Wednesday, July 31, 2019

American Literature Exam Questions Essay

12. Discuss the characteristic features of the experimental prose in 1960-2000 on chosen examples. Experimental literature refers to written works – often novels or magazines – that place great emphasis on innovations regarding technique and style. Naked Lunch is a novel by William S. Burroughs, a complete American edition(1962). †¢The book is structured as a series of loosely-connected vignettes. Burroughs himself stated that the chapters are intended to be read in any order. The reader follows the narration of junkie William Lee. †¢The manner in which the novel is written the reader to see only part of the picture—as much as he wants to see. It often happens that something mentioned in the book reappears much later producing thus a series of intratextual relationships and echoes. This idea, relating to different perspectives within a larger picture, is itself a theme which runs throughout this book. †¢The novel’s mix of taboo fantasies, peculiar creatures and eccentric personalities all serve to unmask mechanisms and processes of control, and have led to much controversy. †¢By decentralizing the plot Burroughs produces a series of interrelated literal caricatures, satires, and parodies throug hout the novel. A Pynchon-influenced generation of writers in the 1990s, such as David Foster Wallace, who would combine some of the experimental form-play of the 60’s writers with a more emotionally-deflating irony, and a greater tendency towards accessibility and humor. Infinite Jest is a 1996 lengthy and complex work takes place in a semi-parodic future version of North America. The novel touches on the topics of tennis, substance addiction and recovery programs, depression, child abuse, family relationships, advertising and popular entertainment, film theory, and Quebec separatism. †¢There are frequent references to endnotes throughout the novel. In an interview with Charlie Rose, Wallace characterized their use as a method of disrupting the linearity of the text while maintaining some sense of narrative cohesion. †¢Acronyms are another signature device in Wallace’s work and are used frequently within the novel. †¢Wallace’s writing voice is a postmodern mixtur e of high- and low-brow linguistic traits. He juxtaposes, often within  a single sentence, colloquialisms and polysyllabic, obscure, or esoteric words. 13. On the example of a chosen text by Henry James, enumerate typical features of psychological realism. A psychological novel, also called psychological realism, is a work of prose fiction which: †¢places more than the usual amount of emphasis on interior characterization, and on the motives, circumstances, and internal action which springs from, and develops, external action. †¢The psychological novel can be called a novel of the â€Å"inner man,† so to say. In some cases, the stream of consciousness technique, as well as interior monologues, may be employed to better illustrate the inner workings of the human mind at work. Flashbacks may also be featured. The Portrait of a Lady is a novel by Henry James (1881). This is the story of a spirited young American woman, Isabel Archer, who â€Å"affronts her destiny† and finds it overwhelming. She inherits a large amount of money and subsequently becomes the victim of Machiavellian scheming by two American expatriates. It also treats in a profound way the themes of personal freedom, responsibility, betrayal, and sexuality. In this novel James had pushed the analysis of human consciousness and motivation to new levels, particularly in such passages as the famous Chapter 42, where Isabel meditates deep into the night about her marriage and the trap she seems to have fallen into. James made an in-depth account of Isabel’s deepest terrors in his preface to the New York Edition of the novel. 14. Characterize the genre of horror on the chosen example of American popular literature of 20th and 21st century. The trait of the genre of horror is that: †¢it provokes a response, emotional, psychological or physical within each individual which causes someone to react with fear. †¢in order for that response to be elicited there are different techniques used, such as unreal figures (phantoms, mummies, etc.), or more real situations and figures  (serial killers, rapists, kidnappers). †¢The main ingredient within horror is that the reader can relate to it somehow and that there’s always something unexpected on its way. The whole horror genre is build up upon people’s fear of the unknown and anxieties. ‘Salem’s Lot is a 1975 horror fiction novel written by Stephen King. Ben Mears, a successful writer who grew up in the town of Jerusalem’s Lot has returned home because of his wife’s death. †¢Ben plans to write a book about the â€Å"Marsten House†, an abandoned mansion that gave him nightmares after a bad experience with it as a child. He unexpectedly finds out that the Marsten House is about to be inhabited by the vampire Kurt Barlow. †¢Over the course of the book, the town is slowly taken over by vampires, reducing it to a ghost town by day as they sleep. †¢Finally, Ben and the other man succeed in destroying the master vampire Barlow, but, lucky to escape with their lives, are forced to leave the town to the crop of newly created vampires. †¢An epilogue has the two returning to the town a year later, intending to renew the battle. Ben, knowing that there are too many hiding places for the town’s vampires, sets some underbrush on fire in an attempt to destroy as many homes as possible thus making the vampires easier to hunt. The Shining is a 1977 horror novel by American author Stephen King. †¢Jack Torrance is trying to rebuild his life accepts a job as a winter caretaker at the large, isolated Overlook Hotel in Colorado where he goes with wife Wendy, and son Danny. †¢Danny’s clairvoyance (jasnowidztwo) makes him sensitive to supernatural forces. †¢The hotel has a personality in its own right, and acts as a psychic lens. Danny has premonitions of the hotel’s danger to his family and begins seeing ghosts and frightening visions from the hotel’s past, but puts up with them in the hope that they are not dangerous in the present. †¢The hotel has difficulty possessing Danny, so it begins to possess Jack. Wendy discovers that they are completely isolated at the Overlook, as Jack has sabotaged the hotel’s snowmobile and smashed the CB radio in the office. She and Jack battle. Hallorann, working at a winter resort in Florida, hears Danny’s psychic call for help and rushes back to the Overlook. The hotel causes Jack to kill himself with the roque  mallet. †¢Finally the boiler explodes, destroying the Overlook. The novel ends with Danny and Wendy summering at a resort in Maine where Hallorann, the head chef, is comforting Danny over the loss of his father. 15. Characterize the genre of sci-fi and/or cyberpunk on the chosen examples of American popular literature of 20th and 21st century. Science fiction is a genre of fiction. It differs from fantasy in that, within the context of the story, its imaginary elements are largely possible within scientifically established or scientifically postulated laws of nature. Science fiction is largely based on writing rationally about alternative possibilities. The settings for science fiction are often contrary to known reality, but the majority of science fiction relies on a considerable degree of suspension of disbelief provided by potential scientific explanations to various fictional elements. These may include: †¢a setting in the future, in alternative timelines, or in an historical past that contradicts known facts of history or the archaeological record †¢a setting in outer space, on other worlds, or involving aliens †¢stories that involve technology or scientific principles that contradict known laws of nature †¢stories that involve discovery or application of new scientific principles, such as time travel or new technology, such as nanotechnology, faster-than-light travel or robots, or of new and different political or social systems EXAMPLES: Dune is a science fiction novel written by Frank Herbert, published in 1965. Dune is frequently cited as the world’s best-selling science fiction novel. Set in the far future among a feudal interstellar empire where planetary fiefdoms (lenna) are controlled by noble houses that owe an allegiance (lojalność, hoÅ‚d) to the Imperial House Corrino, Dune tells the story of young Paul Atreides (the heir apparent to Duke Leto Atreides and the scion of House Atreides) as he and his family accept control of the desert planet Arrakis, the only source of the â€Å"spice† melange, the most important and valuable substance in the universe. The story explores the complex and  multi-layered interactions of politics, religion, ecology, technology, and human emotion, as the forces of the Empire confront each other for control of Arrakis and its â€Å"spice†. Ender’s Game (1985) is a science fiction novel by American author Orson Scott Card. †¢set in Earth’s future,   Ã¢â‚¬ ¢presents an endangered humankind that have barely survived two conflicts with the Formics (an insectoid alien race also known as the â€Å"Buggers†). †¢in preparation for an anticipated third invasion, an international fleet maintains a school to find and train future fleet commanders. The world’s most talented children, including the novel’s protagonist Ender Wiggin, are taken at a very young age to a training center known as the Battle School. There, teachers train them in the arts of war through increasingly difficult games including ones undertaken in zero gravity in the Battle Room where Ender’s tactical genius is revealed. †¢Ender’s â€Å"final exam† consists of a scenario where bugger ships outnumber Ender’s fleet a thousand to one near a planetary mass. Ender orders the use of a special weapon, the Molecular Disruption Device, against the planet itself, destroying the simulated planet and all ships in orbit. Soon he finds out that all the simulations were real battles taking place with real fleets, and that he had killed all the queens on their home planet. He is not allowed to return to Earth because his special skills are too dangerous. Ender is made Governor of the first human colony on a Bugger world, and they leave together on the first colony ship.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Exploited Latin Women

The European conquest of the New World altered the lives of indigenous women. European women did not arrive to the New World only for years after the initial invasions. Indian women were continuously exploited in the form of labor, catering, and sexual gratification. Elite Indian women were able to gain a somewhat privileged position through their liaisons with the European men. As more and more European women began to arrive in the New World, Indian women were confined to the bottom of the ethnic and class hierarchy. â€Å"A particular concern of the colonists was that their â€Å"purity of blood† be preserved, meaning that no black or Indian people could enter into the family lineage. This in return caused careful controlling of women†s behavior. Under the regulation of patria potestad, women remained under the legal authority of their fathers until marriage, when authority was transferred to their husbands.† During the nineteenth century women†s public life was limited. Women also still remained legally minors. There were some advances in education which helped some women to enter into professions. There were also alterations of civic codes which ultimately abolished the patria potestad laws in many countries. Latin American women entered the 20th century with better education and legal status but with still restricted roles. Women initiated campaigns for equal political and civil rights. But despite some gains they continued to be discriminated, shaped by machismo, and poor women faced the double duty of family and employment. â€Å"According to historical records almost 30 percent of households in the city of Sao Paulo in 1765, were headed by women that were single, married whose husbands were absent, or widows. By 1802, this rose to 44 percent, falling to 39 percent by 1836.† This was due to the need of male labor migration in an economy based primarily on plantation agriculture. Taking the average age of female heads it is noticed that the female heads are an average of 7 years older than male heads. Many of the female heads are widows. Female heads earn less income than their male counter parts and on an average have less education than the males. One of the most notable characteristics of today†s poverty in Latin America is the growing number of women among the poor. â€Å"Today about 20 percent of the poorest households in Latin America are headed by women, but in some cities the percentage rises to almost 38 percent. A review of 22 studies of women-headed households in Latin America reveals that there is a strong correlation between female head-ship and poverty, and that such households are increasing in number.† There are many reasons why we are seeing a rise in the number of households headed by women which are in poverty. Women have less access to land, credit and technologies, therefore women farmers have to work longer hours and they have fewer assets and lower incomes than men farmers. Female headed households are likely to be poorer than male-headed households because they have fewer working members of the family, they have lower average wage earnings, less access to jobs and productive resources. Most Latin American women have less education than men. These are some of the key reasons why we are seeing a increase in poor households headed by women. There are more and more women working as wage laborers. † Fruit companies in Chile rely exclusively on women for harvesting, processing, and packing fruit. In Columbia women cultivate and pack flowers. In general they are paid less than men. In Honduras for example women are paid 70 percent of the male wage for performing the same tasks in tobacco cultivation.† It is clear that the women who do participate in the labor force and have the same education level as men are discriminated from men. Discrimination is clearly an important factor. It is not so much that female -headed households have lower incomes because of them having more children or fewer adults, but clearly the head of the household being a female, earns less. Because there are many women who lack education and skills, women in formal sector employment tend to be clustered in jobs that offer little potential for training or advancement. â€Å"In Brazil, Chile, and Peru over 50 percent of economically active women work in the service sector (1988).† Most of the women who do have better paying jobs in the formal sector are self employed. Usually self-employment doesn†t have much growth potential. The problem with women in the workforce doesn†t stop there. In households where there is a male head of the house, a women†s income is still highly depended on. Female income is often a secondary or tertiary source of income. Many rural families rely upon the work of its female members for most of its food. Traditionally the money earned by men is used only for corn and firewood, forcing the wife to develop her own income in order to provide for other family necessities. With less and less land becoming available for cultivation and unable to produce enough corn for the year, the men are forced to find additional income in order to supplement what they can grow. Female economic development has been hampered by the fact that women have found themselves utilizing traditional skills and market connections first established by their mothers and grandmothers. Rarely has a women ventured into learning a new kind of work. â€Å"Complete reliance on traditional skills has limited the economic growth of women.† Women seem to be moving away from the traditional family businesses. Within the last generation the women are going from traditional women†s work to more modern employment. The traditional model is one in which the daughters help their mothers with their family business and in the process learn enough to initiate the same type of business after they marry. The daughter usually starts helping her mother with her business around the age of nine or ten doing small but helpful jobs. By the time the daughter reaches puberty she is a competent and efficient worker. It is at this time that their daughters are a valuable asset. During the daughters teenage years the business is at its peak production. † When the daughter marries at 19 or 20 the mother daughter arrangement ends as the new bride turns her attention to her new home, and then the mother must rely on the younger daughters† to help with the family business. Then the older daughter becomes an asset to her new mother-in-law. The use of family members is very important for their business. Children replace workers that otherwise may need to be hired to run the business. Family members usually are more efficient and the families probably could not bare the financial expense of hired workers. Women in the work force have problems, but they also have problems within their families as well. The female as we have seen is depended on for financial income. At the same time the female has extended responsibilities and concerns at home. Along with working outside the home the female is generally the care taker in raising the children and doing domestic chores around the home. In general the females control the families domestic budget but this seems to be dropping with the rising standard of living of the town. â€Å"Stable marriages are rare, women believe, due to the inevitable failings of men whom they consider to be hopelessly unreliable.† Women of Latin America believe men do their best to live up to their insensitive macho behavior. Men believe they do not need to explain their intemperate behavior. Many Latin American men grow up to expect servitude and obedience from their wives. â€Å"Women are socialized to fulfill their subordinate, long-suffering roles passively, accepting male responsibility, wickedness, and foolishness as their destiny. Thus, women enter into a marital union expecting the worse from their spouses.† â€Å"Expected to succumb to his domination, she is both defenseless and immobilized.† More and more Latin American women with time are acting to protect their own interests. â€Å"More educated women are demanding more equality in marriage through the use of birth control. While they value the maternal role they are understanding the rising costs of having children and want more from the marital relationship than motherhood. They want their husbands to respect and trust them, and to forego extramarital affairs and other forms of abuse.† Today in Rio de Janeiro there are five police stations that exist solely to handle crimes against women. â€Å"While Brazil has advanced from military dictatorship toward democracy violence against women remains endemic. The first national study of the problem, in 1992, reported an average of 337 assaults on women daily.† Feminists in Brazil in 1985 made a serious gain with the establishment of the women†s police stations. Feminists moved for this because they believe male policemen don†t take wife beating seriously. â€Å"They see it as a domestic argument that has nothing to do with them and is certainly not a crime.† On paper, Brazil†s women have made great gains in recent years. The country†s 1988 constitution bans discrimination against women, requires the state to combat violence against them and mandates 120 days of maternity leave. In reality there still remains traditional theories of women†s behavior and much discrimination.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Binge Eating Disorder Essay Example for Free (#2)

Binge Eating Disorder Essay For centuries, many psychological disorders had plagued mankind. Humanity has suffered from many psychological disorders such as anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and many more. One kind of disorder that rose in numbers in the twenty-first century are eating disorders. Eating disorders can be categorized into three types. Theses are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Of the three types of eating disorder, binge eating disorder is more complex when it comes to its symptoms and manifestations. To further understand binge eating disorder, we must first understand what are eating disorders and what factors can affect people who manifest these kinds of disorder. Eating disorders are disorders of eating habits of individuals. According to social-cultural theorist, most eating disorders usually are common in cultures where the thinness of the body is considered attractive and more acceptable (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). The factors that affect eating disorders can range from a person’s culture, environment, his/her family background, genealogy and biological factors. In the three kinds of eating disorder, anorexia nervosa is a disorder where one refuses to eat to become fat. A common practice of anorexic patients is to purge their food when they felt that they had taken a lot of it (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). The disorder is deadly and can kill almost 15 percent of its victims (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). If anorexia nervosa is self-starvation, bulimia nervosa is binging or eating excessively then purging it through various methods. Now, we focus on binge eating disorder. If the two other eating disorder’s goal is to keep their body thin and slim. Binge eating disorder is making the body fatter and overweight. The common practice of people with binge eating disorder is eating excessively when they feel anxious about something. They will eat out and eat as much food as they can even if they are not hungry. It sort of becoming their initial reaction to a stressor and becomes a habit (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). The big difference in binge eating disorder than bulimia is that binge eating disorder victims don’t purge (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). They don’t engage in behaviors that will cause them to vomit. Binge sessions of victims are usually habitual and episodic. This means they engage in binging in a particular time. Studies have shown that people who are obese and over weight are common people with binge eating disorder (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006).. A study showed that 30 percent of people who undergo weight loss programs are actually having binge eating disorder. The peculiarity of this disorder is that even though this disorder is making the people unhealthy and obese, psychologist and health professionals think that having a binge eating disorder is better than having anorexia or bulimia. Usually African Americans are more affected by this disorder than European Americans (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). Similar to anorexia and bulimia, binge eating disorder is more common to females (Bierma, 1999). The disorder is associated with many disorders namely depression and anxiety (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). People who have binge eating disorder have low self-esteem and want to eliminate their binging. They feel sickened by the thought of being fat and usually tries to undergo weight-loss programs and frequent tries in dieting. The problem is they can’t stop binging until they sought help from the professional. Binge eating disorder as of today is still not counted as a formal eating disorder in DSM-IV by psychologists (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). This is due to the fact that psychologists think more studies should be done to support and sanction the diagnostic of this disorder. The binge eating disorder can be found on the appendix of the DSM-IV for further study (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). There are many causes why people get binge eating disorder. Many psychologists can attribute that the rise in eating disorders in our time is mainly due to our social norms (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). To further explain binge eating disorder, the factors that triggers this kind of behavior is needed to be understood. The most important fact we must know is that our society today has social pressures and norms. Many cultures put pressure to women to be slim and thin. There are cultural differences throughout the world. In places and time where wealthy people value heavier weight as more beautiful, eating disorder become less likely in the population. People in less developed countries view people with heaviness as beautiful because it shows that the person can afford to buy food and is wealthy (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). In America, the rise of fashion magazines that embraces beauty as something slim and skinny in the 90’s made many American teens more prone to become anorexic. The icons of beauty in a specific era also can predict the trends in eating behaviors in women. The cultural norms of attractiveness also affect people who can get eating disorder like binge eating (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). If a person sees that becoming fat and gaining weight can help him achieve his desired level of attractiveness, he will try to eat more in order to gain weight. Another deadly cause of binge eating disorder is that people who suffer from it view food as a way of coping to their negative emotions. In some cases, sexual abuse in the past can also trigger binge eating disorder because it raises the anxiety level of the person (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). The cognitive reasoning of an individual also affects the development of binge eating disorder. As we discussed, binge eating disorder is an impulsive behavior. The victims usally act before thinking. This kind of impulse is hard to control and is hard to regulate on its own. Biologically, people who suffer from binge eating disorder might have predisposition to depression (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). Depression usually triggers the binge eating session and makes victims more susceptible to binge just to feel good again. Findings also show that irregularity in the hypothalamus in the brain could be a cause of binge eating disorder and other types of eating disorder (Lyness, 2006). Hypothalamus regulates our eating habit and feeling of hunger (Lyness, 2006). This part of the brain is where our body sends a signal if a certain nutrient is insufficient or excessive. Another part of the brain which acts as relay centers of the message our body gives to the brain are neurotransmitters. Serotonin which is an important in cases of depression and anxiety plays a big role in eating disorders. Patterns of binging behaviors can stem from irregularities in serotonin (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). Lastly, obesity which is found in most binge eaters is found in the genes (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006). This means that people are sometimes predisposed to be obese thus making them eat more. Binge eating disorder has many health consequences like gallbladder disorder, high blood pressure, diabetes etc (Unknown, 2005). Binge Eating Disorder. (2016, Aug 07).

Charles dickens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Charles dickens - Essay Example Dickens’ uses the setting communicate Nell’s emotions to the reader. Nell’s mood is reflected by the streets and rooftops of London. As Nell keeps her anxious vigil, the window serves as Nell’s peephole into the life of the outside world. The lonely child has no lively companions of her own age and no parents. She spends most of her time waiting for her grandfather’s return form his trips outside the shop. As she gazes on the windows of the houses facing her, she wonders about the lives which go on in those rooms. Nell projects her loneliness on to the setting and wonders â€Å"whether those rooms were as lonesome as that in which she sat.† Her loneliness is further emphasized by her perception that the people living in those rooms do not want her company, as she sees â€Å"them look out and draw in their heads again.† She interprets their failure to communicate with her as a sign of their rejection. In spite of this rejection, the str eet is Nell’s only glimpse of life and she is sorry when night falls and her tableaux of the world comes to an end. She is forced to return to the â€Å"dull† room, in which â€Å"everything was in its place and hadn't moved.† Here again, the room’s setting is used by Dickens to communicate the unchanging routine and boredom of the little girl’s days. ... As Nell looks at the â€Å"crooked stack of chimneys on one of the roofs,† she sees in her imagination the â€Å"ugly faces that were frowning over at her and trying to peer into the room.† This is an example of Dickens’ powerful imagery in his settings. The image of the ugly faces staring disapprovingly at Nell is a metaphor for the threat of bankruptcy and evil hovering over her life in the guise of Daniel Quilp. Dickens also uses the sombre setting to convey to the reader his characteristic criticism of the poor living quarters and the squalid environment of London. In this context, the evil-looking chimney stacks may be seen as a metaphor for the smoke-spewing monster of industrialization. Dickens’ attitude is reflected in Nell’s plea to her grandfather to exchange life in London with a life in the country where they can â€Å"walk through country places, and sleep in fields and under trees† and â€Å"work in open roads or fields.† The dark and gloomy streets of London outside Nell’s window symbolize the dark side of city life. Dickens’ setting in this passage connects to the next chapter in the novel. In the shadows of the street below, Kit lingers, standing guard over his precious Nell. His attention is totally focused on her window. As Nell keeps anxious vigil at her window, Kit keep his own vigil over her. Nell â€Å"is sitting alone at that window,† while Kit remains â€Å"watching in the open street for fear any harm should come to her† (Dickens, Chapter 10). This is a very poignant depiction of Kit’s love for Nell. Dickens cleverly links his setting in this passage in Chapter 9 with the following chapter to move

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Art History Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Art History - Research Paper Example Modern paintings keep with this tradition as they continue to focus on the urge of mankind to promote peace and tranquility in a fragmented world. The cultural and social upheavals of the renaissance period gave birth to this concept of modern art. The Factory by the Sea was painted by Stuart Davis in 1932. Davis was born in New York in 1892, and he died in 1964. While growing up, Davis was surrounded by accomplished artists. After travelling to Paris in 1929, Davis returned to the United States with a new distinctive style in his paintings. The Factory by the Sea painting has abstract patterns of dark outlines and contrasting colors that portray aspects of the American life. Davis looked at his subject matter in the Factory by the Sea painting in an avant-garde manner. The Factory by the Sea painting has distinctive style that has supported the development of later artists such as de Kooning and Gorky. In the Factory by the Sea painting, Davis has illustrated how gripping abstract paintings can be when compared to traditional portraits when simple symbiotic patterns are used effectively. The Factory by the Sea painting is dependent on form, composition and color. The relationship between the natural world and man-made structu res are explored in the Factory by the Sea painting. Recognizable structures and shapes that are within irrational emotions and thoughts are evident in the Factory by the Sea painting. The color theory in the Factory by the Sea painting is unorthodox and very instinctive. This color is the aspect that most viewers of the painting first notice. To enhance the vivid colors in the painting, more oxide and neutral colors have been used. The Factory by the Sea painting is my favorite of all three paintings in this paper. This is because it keeps the viewer interested because it is difficult to fathom hence intriguing (Tytler 213-228). The viewer sees something that reminds them of a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marks and Spencer Financial Statements Coursework

Marks and Spencer Financial Statements - Coursework Example Many of the private companies in the UK use International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) conceptual framework for financial reporting (Holland, 1998) and address issues regarding fair value accounting in terms of the 8 phases, out of which four are active: the objective and qualitative characteristics, elements and recognition, measurement, and reporting entity. The conceptual framework itself provides guidance on which measurement bases to be used or outcomes to be obtained through the measurements decisions. The measurements of the different segments are aimed at fair value to meet the qualitative characteristics of the framework. As IFRS includes fair value measurements required by the United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (UK GAAP) (Ballard, 2010, p 704), it is obvious that the different identifiable components (Connolly, 2012) like pension and other associated costs and liabilities of M&S are according to fair value measurement that meets the qualitative characteristics of the framework (Ballard, 2010, p 703). Also, according to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the objective of fair value measurement is â€Å"to provide guidance for selecting measurement bases that satisfy the objectives and qualitative characteristics of financial reporting† (FASB, 2009b, p2; Ballard, 2010, p 703). The qualitative characteristics aid financial reporting in the selection of a measurement method which the company has attained through identifying its employees as their valuable asset and also having certain policies and schemes like the pension scheme and work, health and safety schemes as part of its sustainability drive (M&S How We Do Business, 2011). Further, identifiable segments are reportable or operating segments of the company that have reported revenue of more than 10% of the combined revenue of both internal and external revenue of all other segments. Also, if the profit or loss of a particular segment, like employee remuneration or employee benefits, including pension benefits, is greater than profit or loss of all operating segments combined or the assets are worth more than 10% of all combined operating segment assets, then the segment is said to be reportable (Connolly, 2012, p2). This means that M&S has the option of not including the employee remuneration benefits or pension liabilities and costs in the financial report. Measurement is defined in the IASB’s framework as â€Å"the process of determining the monetary amounts at which the elements of financial statements are to be recognized and carried in the balance sheet and income statement† (IASB, 2001, p 99; Ballard, 2010, p 706). M&S has recognized the measurements relating to employee remuneration, costs, and benefits in its financial statement in 2011 (Appendix 1 & 2). Many of the financial reporting institutes have recognized that there exists ambiguity in standard s attained in financial reporting. There are limitations in financial reporting and public information disclosure as it is common practice with companies to practice mandatory and voluntary public and private disclosure of information that is targeted at specific stakeholders of the business (Holland, 1998).

Friday, July 26, 2019

Goldman Sachs Financial Data Analysis Assignment

Goldman Sachs Financial Data Analysis - Assignment Example The company was founded in the year 1869 and has its headquarter in New York, but maintains subsidiary offices in the major financial centers globally. Over time, the firm has been largely recognized as among the best premier investment banks globally. The corporation linked itself to the New York Stock Exchange in the year 1896 from which it has been able to trade successfully its shares. As a result of this, its capital in 1898 stood at $1.6 milion and has since grown rapidly. Furthermore, the firm started issuing the IPOs in the year 1906 upon taking over Sears, Roebuck and Company. This is a deal mainly attributed to the personal friendship between Henry Goldman and Julius Rosenwald, who was the owner of the frim. Largely, the company reports its business in four main business segments namely, investment banking, investing and lending, institutional services, and investment management. In investment banking, the range of services that are offered targets a diverse group including financial institutions, governments, corporations, and investment funds. In this, it mainly provides services related to the strategic advisory that entails forms of acquisitions, mergers, divestitures, and risk management. With regard to institutional services, the firm facilitates the transactions done by clients in relation to making the markets in equity, fixed income, commodity products and currency attainable for the clients. This is supported by the act of making markets clear for the clients, as well as clearing transactions on major stocks, futures and options for clients through the provision of prime brokerage, financial and securities lending services. In investing and lending, the company invests and originates loans for the provision of financing to its clients that are long term in nature. Subsequently, the firm makes

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Response of chapter 1 of inside rikers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Response of chapter 1 of inside rikers - Essay Example In this context, Jennifer tries to understand the issues and the prison conditions. The rest of the book involves her visiting the prison as a rehabilitation teacher and eventually as the director of the program that she had established in the prison. Her major goal in going to the prison was to get some sort of understanding of the social context in there. After acquiring this, the book explains that she intended to take up the matter with the respective authorities in a bid to get prison reforms (Wayne, 2002). This was inspiring to me as I have always been a person who supports justice and equality despite the different social statures around. The chapter states that in the prison, she talked to some of the inmates, after which she was able to go and visit their homes and talk to their families. The stories provided by their families are very touching and leave one contemplating the feeling of having one of their family members in prison. Jennifer talks about the food that the inmates eat. She complains stating that the fact that they had broken the law does not mean that they had to suffer the conditions which they were going through. One of the points stated in the book is where she explains the manner in which one of the inmates wakes up in tattered clothes as he walks around the cellblock. This was one issue I found very disturbing as the welfare of inmates was ignored even after guards looking at him and giving a scornful laugh. Another key point that I noted explained in the book was that of drugs in prison. In the prisons, many of the interpersonal relationships found to go well were those that involved drugs. She was able to find that there were different gangs, or rather territories as they referred to them. These were the major causes of the violent activities witnessed in prisons. Not only does Jennifer focus on the welfare of inmates but also looks at the condition of the correctional

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

What is ment by impression management, and what are some of the Essay

What is ment by impression management, and what are some of the political behaviours and tactics an employee might adopt to gain power - Essay Example It is concluded that impression management is unavoidable – in various social conditions – including the workplace; however, the causes or the effects of the impression management are not always easy to be identified or criticized – mostly because they are depended on the personal perceptions of the performer but also on the particular organizational conditions – referring to the literature examined in the context of this study where reference is made to the relationship between the impression management and the organizational environment. Despite the fact that different approaches have been used in order to indicate the characteristics and the role of impression management, the scope of impression management is basically the following one: impression management is developed by imitate behavioural patterns in order to achieve specific goals; in the context of the impression management ‘people can take many roles attempted to please audiences to win their moral, social and financial support’ (Giacalone et al., 1989, p.2); Griffin et al (2009) describe impression management as follows: ‘impression management is a direct, intentional effort by someone to enhance his or her image in the eyes of others’ (Griffin et al., 2009, p.356). It is made clear that impression management has a specific scope; however, its role may be differentiated in accordance with the social events and perceptions to which it is related; this fact is made clear in the study of Greene et al. (2003); in the above study refe rence is made to a particular characteristic of impression management: its dual character. More specifically, Greene et al. (2003) support that impression management refers – simultaneously – to ‘how individuals present themselves and how they respond to the presentation of others’ (Greene et al., 2003, p.358). In both the above cases, the target is the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Sino-Soviet Relations, 1958-1962 --- The Second Taiwan Strait Crisis Essay - 2

Sino-Soviet Relations, 1958-1962 --- The Second Taiwan Strait Crisis and the Sino-Soviet Split - Essay Example From all outward appearances, the 1950 Sino-Soviet alliance was impenetrable and that the two countries were engaged in a common goal to ensure that Communism was a major influence around the world. There was more than enough evidence to support this perception. Under Mao Tse-tung’s leadership, China formally aligned itself with the USSR. When the Communists in North Korea invaded the Republic of Korea, China intervened and the USSR lent military aid.1 What was perceived as an ideal and threatening partnership would not stand the test of ideological differences. This paper seeks to provide an understanding of how this seemingly ideal partnership was doomed for failure. The events leading up to, during and immediately after the second Taiwan crisis of 1958 are significant in their manifestation of just how far apart the Soviet Union and China were growing. By the 1960s, the Sino-Soviet Alliance was practically shattered as their respective ideologies and polices were increasingly at odds. The office of the US Central Intelligence Agency reported to the US’s administrators in February 1962 that: Sino-Soviet relations are in a critical phase just short of an acknowledged and definitive split. There is no longer much of a fundamental resolution of differences. In our view, the chances that such a split can be avoided in 1962 are no better than ever.2 There are a number of theories put forth by historians and political scientists attempting to understand the driving force splitting the union between the world’s two largest Communist states. Athwal argues that the US’ â€Å"nuclear superiority† put increasing pressures on Sino-Soviet relations and policies by first influencing China to obtain nuclear weapons and by forcing the Soviets to look to the West in a more amicable way. Moreover, both China and the Soviet Union had

Descent of a parachute Essay Example for Free

Descent of a parachute Essay How the surface area affects the rate of descent. Surface area of parachute (cmi ) Mass of parachute. (g) Time taken to descend (s) Height dropped from (m) Average speed (m/s) 10 5. 5 1. 11 2 1. 80 How the mass of the parachutist affects the rate of descent Mass of parachute. (g) Surface area of parachute (cm) Time taken to descend. (s) Height dropped from (m) Average speed (m/s) 10. 2 20 1. 66 2 1. 20 The preliminary experiment provided some useful results, which will help me to use better measurements in the main experiment. The measurements of area in the first worked well. The material used in the preliminary experiment was too rigid and did not travel smoothly through the air. For my main experiment I have decided to use bin bags which flow through the air more easily. The mass was appropriate for the size of the parachute. All other factors seemed to work well within the experiment. The main experiment will consist of 6 examples rather than three to produce a better range of results. The range of values are very important when doing an experiment i. e. they should not be too big or too small. I feel that range of numbers I have chosen work very well after having done the preliminary experiment and seeing them in action. Safety Safety is always an important feature when it comes to executing an experiment even more so when objects are being dropped from a high height. To ensure the highest level of the safety the following issues need to be taken into account;   No one should be underneath where the object is being dropped   Care must be taken when standing on chairs   Running can cause serious accidents.   Do not leave scissors around as they are sharp and can hurt people. No rubbish should be left on the floor to prevent people tripping up. RESULTS Tables of results How the surface area affects the rate of descent Surface area of Parachute (cmi ) Mass of parachute (g) Time (s) Height (m) Average Speed ( m/si ) 10   How the mass affects the rate of descent Mass of parachute(g) Surface area of Parachute (cmi ) Time (s) Height (m) Average Speed ( m/si ). ANALYSIS Experiment 1 The first experiment looked at how the surface area of a parachute affected its rate of descent. I found out that the larger the surface area, the slower the average rate of descent. The theory behind these results which was discussed in the hypothesis is that when any object falls, it almost always encounters some degree of air resistance. Air resistance is the collisions of air particles with the surface area (facing the floor) whilst falling through the air. The larger the surface area the more collisions there will be. Air resistance slows falling objects downwards as I found out, when doing the experiment. The larger the surface area of the parachute was, the lower the average rate of decent. Below is a diagram, which shows how air resistance affects the fall of an object (a parachute in this case). Graph The results that I obtained supported my prediction. I predicted the larger the surface area, the slower the rate of descent and by looking at the graph and table these results are shown. I thought that there would have been a bigger difference between the speeds but the differences between the sizes of parachutes were obviously too small. The bigger the surface area, the more air resistance so therefore it takes a shorter time to reach terminal velocity (the downward and upward force balance each other meaning there is no acceleration). The object does not have to increase to such large speeds as to balance out the forces so it stops accelerating in a shorter amount of time meaning it takes longer to fall. The results produce quite a smooth curve, which did not require a line of best fit. This shows us that the measurements were applied accurately and the experiment was performed efficiently with equitable results. Experiment 2 This experiment was looking at how the mass of a parachutist and its parachute affects the rate of descent. From my results I found out that the bigger the mass of the parachute, the faster the average rate of descent. The amount of air resistance depends on the speed of the falling object. Objects will continue to accelerate to higher speeds until they encounter an amount of air resistance, which is equal to their weight. A parachutist with a bigger mass experience a greater force of gravity due to their larger mass (f = 10m) than a parachutist with a smaller mass. A parachute will therefore accelerate to a higher speed before reaching a terminal velocity. The more massive the object the higher its speed will be until it encounters terminal velocity. Therefore, more massive objects fall faster than less massive objects because they are acted upon by a larger force of gravity. For this reason they accelerate to higher speeds until the air resistance equals the force of gravity This experiment has demonstrated the theory that the more massive an object, the faster it will fall when encountering air resistance. My prediction supported the results as each time I increased the mass of the parachute, the faster the average speed was. Below is a diagram which demonstrates this theory. Graph This graph shows the results of the experiment. This graph did require a line of best fit which shows that the results were not so regular and perhaps were not so accurate. They did show though that the bigger the mass, the faster the rate of descent. The gradient was quite gentle which shows that the speed increased gently. EVALUATION The procedure seemed to be accurate and to have gone well and produced some results, which backed up the hypothesis. To try and make the experiment as accurate as possible, I measured the time taken to descend three times and then found an average. To show the calculations for the average speed, I should have written down the different results for the time taken to descend. This would support the figure for the average speed, as it would show that I performed the experiment three times for each different weight or surface area depending on the experiment. I got various different people to time the descent as each person has a different reaction time which in investigations where the measurements are so small it is important that I use different people as a split second can make a big difference. There were no results, which were peculiar or stood out in either experiment. The procedure was suitable for the aim, which I had to complete. I felt that the scientific evidence that I collected at the beginning created a strong basis on which to stand. My conclusion was firm as I was very sure of the theory behind this investigation after having read up about it and seeing it happen in every day life situations. The evidence which I accumulated was reliable as I had made sure that I could attempt to make everything as accurate as possible. I used a variety of seven measurements, which I felt was enough and as I have seen by the results seemed to work well. As there were no strange results, which seemed out of place I can see that the results were reliable. They were also constant, which backs up, the fact that the results were reliable. Although the experiment went well there are various changes, which I can make to get even more accurate results.   Use even more measurements, as this will provide more results.   Do each measurement five times instead of three to get a more accurate measurement.   Make the structure of the parachute better and not so messy. Drop the parachutes from a higher height to get a bigger measurement as this will mean that the reaction time of the person dropping the parachute will make a smaller difference. Use a bigger difference of measurements. Take more care to find a material, which flows through the air well.   Use the stopwatch as accurately as possible.   Do more examples in the preliminary experiment. Whilst doing the experiment I tried to do as many things to ensure an accurate result but the problem was time. I felt it was rushed so I did not have as much time as I would have liked. The results did seem to be accurate and were constant which shows that the investigation was not too inaccurate and worked well.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Women Abuse in India Essay Example for Free

Women Abuse in India Essay Violence against women in India Violence against women in India isn’t just a current issue, but rather has deep seated traditional roots in the culture. In order to combat the problem, we must understand its causes. In India, the problem of violence against women is a result of a long standing power imbalance between men and women. Men have control over access to property and resources. There is also a sexual division of labor in India that results in female exploitation–physically, mentally, and commercially. Oppression in India Women in India are subject to all forms of violence. Female infanticide is quite common in Haryana and Punjab because there is a preference for sons because male children carry on the family lineage. The education of sons is also considered much more important. In these two states, the sex ratio is lower than the national average. Discrimination within the household Within the household, there exists gender discrimination which determines intra-household distribution of food. Because women and girls are given less food than men, malnutrition among adolescent girls and women is quite prevalent in India. Lack of opportunity to work Due to lower educational levels, a woman has a much lower capacity to earn. Women from upper castes are seldom allowed to work outside the home. However, work participation rate among low caste women is better compared to that of upper caste women. Honor killings Honor killings are quite common in Haryana and Tamil Nadu when young girls marry somebody outside their caste and clan against her family’s wishes. Women as property  Dowry is demanded from the husband’s side (in-laws) when younger women get married. Newly married women become subject to verbal and physical abuse. In many cases, young brides are burnt to death by her in-laws if the parents fail to meet the requisite dowry demanded. Women are also viewed in terms of their virginity, as chastity is considered as a great virtue. In terms of family planning, women have been used as the subjects of experiments. Governments promote contraceptives to lower fertility among women, at the  behest of multinational corporations and the corporate sector, without thinking about their consequences. Population control and family planning is considered a way to control women’s sexuality. Photograph posted on Flicker by â€Å"Mckay Savage.† Data on violence against women In a country like India, it is difficult to rely on statistics pertaining to rape cases. The data may show that such crimes being committed may be going up or down. But in reality, women are afraid of even lodging FIRs (First Information Report) in police stations despite being raped or sexually harassed. The judiciary and the legal system are biased in favor of men. Cases of violence against women are under-reported. According to the latest National Crime Records Bureau 2007, a total of 1,85,312 incidents of crime against women (both under Indian Penal Code-IPC and Special and Local Laws-SLL) were reported in the country during 2007 as compared to 1,64,765 during 2006, thus recording an increase of 12.5% during 2007. These crimes have continuously increased during 2003-2007 with 1,40,601 cases in 2003, 1,54,333 cases in 2004, 1,55,553 in 2005, 1,64,765 cases in 2006 and 1,85,312 cases in 2007. The total number of sexual harassment cases were 10,950 in 2007. The total number of cases pertaining to cruelty by husband and relatives was 75,930. There were 61 cases of importation of girls. Altogether there were 38,734 cases of molestation in 2007. (See the URL: The number of rape cases has increased by nearly ten fold from 2487 in 1953 to 20737 in 2007. Young girls also become victims of child abuse at the hands of their closest male relatives, which they are unable to protest. What can be done When women protest against their exploitation, many try to silence them. The experience of Bhanwari Devi, the ‘sathin’ from Rajasthan, is a case in point. She was gang-raped for working against child marriage practiced by the upper castes in her village. According to the NCRB (National Crime Records Bureau) 2008, respect for women seem to be the worst in Andhra Pradesh, which accounted for 83.5 per cent of cases under Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act of total cases across the country. Out of a total 1,200 such cases, Andhra had registered 1,005 incidents in  this regard. The NCRB data clearly points to the profile of the average rapist – over 75% were known to the victims. In fact, nearly 10% were relatives. Another disturbing aspect was that about a quarter of the rape victims were minors. During the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in September 1995, the United Nations Secretary-General, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, said that violen ce against women is a universal problem that must be universally condemned. The United Nations has termed violence against women as a gross violation of human rights. In India, a survey showed that for each incidence of violence, women lost an average of 7 working days. Role of media Media that includes television, radio and newspapers can play a positive role in creating awareness about the pitfalls of violence against women. Mass media’s power should not be undermined by our policy makers See more at:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Mid Valley Megamall Tourism Essay

The Mid Valley Megamall Tourism Essay In the previous chapter, secondary data such as books, journals and online journals are used to conduct the literature review. In this chapter, primary data is collected through the case study. This chapter will cover the research framework consists of research purpose, research method, sampling method, research instrument and information collected from the case study. The analysis of the data is discussed in the next chapter. This case study is conducted for the purpose of investigating the level of customer satisfaction of the local customers towards the performance of a shopping centre. Mid valley megamall is chosen as the subject in case study. The time frame for the whole research is 1 month. RESEARCH FRAMEWORK First of all, the measurement objectives must be specified in order to simplify the research process. Basically, there are four types of customer satisfaction survey which is based on the measurement objectives of the research (Vavra, 2002). Since this research is used to investigate the level of performance of a shopping centre from the customers satisfaction in general, thus, it is known as overall status survey. According to Vavra, overall status survey is emphasized more on the general issues, overall performance, and overall customers satisfaction. (2002) RESEARCH METHOD AND PURPOSE This research is conducted using quantitative research method. From the customer satisfaction survey, the research information collected from the sample is the primary data. The aim of this study is to investigate the level of customers satisfaction in a shopping centre, to identify the actual need of customers through the distribution of questionnaires to the sample and to clarify whether the performance meet the customers expectations. POPULATION AND SAMPLING METHOD Sampling method is a method of choosing a group of peoples from the entire target population in order to obtain the required information. Basically, there are two types of sampling designs: probability and non-probability. This research has adopted non probability sampling technique which is most suitable for a widely dispersed population such as the customers of Mid Valley Megamall. It is impossible to use the probability sampling method for this research due to the difficulty in identifies the target populations as it is too large for research. The sample is selected to estimate the gross results because less cost and time required and the sample is easily obtained while compared with the probability sampling technique. The target populations for this research are the Malaysian customers of Mid Valley Megamall and the sample is limited to adult from 18 to 50 years old. This sample is chosen because these groups of person visit the shopping mall more frequently than other demographic profile. The sample size of 100 customers ranged from 18 to 50 years old is considered as representative of Malaysian customers of Mid Valley Megamall. 3.4 DESIGN OF QUESTIONNAIRE Questionnaire is used as research instrument for this study. The questionnaires are prepared according to the objectives which set up at the beginning. In order to obtain better response from the sample, the questionnaires are designed to be simple and easy to be understood. If the length of the questionnaires is too long, it will affect the rate of response. According to Vavra, there are four types of question can be collected, namely facts, attitudes, prediction behavior and demographics. (2002). Diversified types of question are more interesting for the customers. The questionnaire consists of three sections. The first section is about the demographic profile of the respondent. The objective is to know the respondents background. The second section is about the general information regarding the relationship between the respondents and the shopping mall. Besides, it is used to identify the actual need of the customers. The third section is about the investigation on the level of satisfaction of the customers from the sample chosen towards the location, product performance, staff, building layout, infrastructure and facilities provided in the shopping mall. This section is important in determine whether the shopping mall meet the requirements of the customers. Furthermore, it includes the recommendations from the customers in order to help the shopping mall to enhance their performance in the future. 3.5 SCALE For the questionnaire, every question has its own response options such as open-ended response and close-ended response. Open-ended questions require the opinions of the customers regarding the overall performance of the shopping mall. Close-ended questions are more efficient and quantifiable because it consists of numeric scales which used by the customers to express their feelings in a simple way. The scale is known as Likert Scale. The 5-point numerical scale is adopted which ranging from 1 to 5, 1 represents not satisfied, 2 represents somewhat dissatisfied, 3 represents neither satisfied or dissatisfied, 4 represents somewhat satisfied and 5 represents strongly satisfied. The scale help the respondents to make a clear decision based on their level of satisfaction. 3.6 DISTRIBUTION METHOD Distribution method also known as field method and it defined as the way used by the interviewer to distribute the questionnaires to the sample. The questionnaires in research are distributed to the customers personally at the Mid Valley Megamall and at the same time they return the questionnaires. 3.7 CASE STUDY: MID VALLEY MEGAMALL 3.71 BACKGROUND Mid Valley Megamall is one of the Malaysias largest urban development projects in the world. It was one of the projects inside the Mid Valley City. Mid Valley City desires to be the most modern and integrated mixed-use developments in the world. The construction starts in year 1995. At present, it comprises Mid Valley Megamall, Cititel Hotel, Menara IGB, Boulevard Offices, Boulevard Hotel, Northpoint Mid Valley City, Centrepoint North and South Towers, The Gardens Retail Gallery, The Gardens Hotel, The Gardens Residences and two landmark office towers. IGB Corporation Berhad, a property and investment holding company listed on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad is the developer of Mid Valley City while the Mid Valley Megamall is owned and operated by Kris Assets Holdings Berhad, a listed IGB subsidiary company. A two dimension master plan of Mid Valley City is enclosed in appendix. 3.72 DESCRIPTIONS OF MID VALLEY MEGAMALL Mid Valley Megamall is selected for the case study. Mid Valley Megamall is launched in year 1995 and it was opened in November 1999. Mid Valley Megamall is a complex consists of a shopping mall, an office tower block, 30 signature offices and two hotels. It is the first shopping mall comprises four successful anchor tenants, namely Jaya Jusco, Metrojaya, Carrefour and Golden Screen Cinemas. Besides, it comprises 13 junior and mini anchors and 403 specialty shops. Mid Valley Megamall has a gross floor area of 4.5 million square feet and net lettable area exceeds 1.7 million square feet. Mid Valley City is planned and developed as a City in a CityMid Valley Megamall is a key part of Mid Valley City. It was awarded the Best Shopping Complex Award 2000 by Tourism Malaysia and Best Retail Development Award 2001 by FIABCI Malaysia (International Real Estate Federation). Mid Valley Megamall is a good choice for the local residents and foreign tourists. Jusco is the Malaysias shopping retailing chain and supermarkets Carrefour is the largest hypermarket chain in the world in terms of size and the second largest retail group in the world in terms of revenue and third largest in terms of profit. It occupies one floor of Mid Valley Megamall. It provides a wide range of products, from fresh farm products, colourful seafood to household brands. Metrojaya occupied three floors of Mid Valley Megamall and offers wide range of local and international quality products which cater the need of medium and high income groups. Golden Screen Cinemas is the Malaysias largest chain of cinema which offers 18 screens and provides 2899 comfortable seats and spacious leg room. GSC not only brings you the best blockbuster, but also the international screening. Figure: Four Anchor Tenants of Mid Valley Megamall 3.73 MISSION AND VISION Mid Valley Megamall is aimed to fulfilling everyones needs. In order to achieve the mission, the highly energetic and talented professionals are appointed in departments. In fact, Mid Valley Megamall emphasizes on their service standard and it wishes to create a modern and stylish shopping paradise for their customers. As long as the customers are in the Mid Valley Megamall, they will make sure everyone enjoy the services and products provided. Besides, Mid Valley Megamall aims to maintain the growth of the shopping mall in the competitive retail industry. 3.74 FACTORS INFLUENCE THE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY Mid Valley Megamall is strategically located between Kuala Lumpur Central Business District and Petaling Jaya. It is located in a convenient location that can be easily accessible from all corners on the Klang Valley. Besides it is surrounded by Petaling Jaya, Bangsar and Damansara. There is a KTM Komuter train-stop and a LRT Station nearby while taxis are available at the entrances of Centre, North and South Courts. The KTM commuter station can be accessed through a covered pedestrian bridge to the Megamall. Its believed to bring an average of 10,000 passengers each day. The station is disable-friendly, and facilities comprise toilets, lifts, covered platforms, ticket and information counters and ticket vending machines. Furthermore, Mid Valley has offers free complimentary shutter bus services (Trinton Bus) at an interval of 30 minutes to 1 hour that travel between Bangsar LRT Station and Mid Valley South Court. Other option of transportation is the public transport available, the detail information about public transport is shown in figure. Figure: The KTM Route (Source: Mid Valley Megamall official website) Monday-Thursday Friday-Sunday Services available at every 30* minutes intervals *Subject to traffic conditions Form Bangsar LRT Station First Departure: 8.05 am Last Departure: 10.40pm From Mid Valley Megamall First Departure: 8.10am Last Departure: 10.45pm Form Bangsar LRT Station First Departure: 8.05 am Last Departure: 10.40pm From Mid Valley Megamall First Departure: 8.10am Last Departure: 10.55pm No shuttle services between these time 10.55am 11.25am 3.10pm 4.10pm 7.30pm 8.00pm No shuttle bus services between there times 10.55am 11.25am 2.45pm 3.45pm 7.15pm 7.45pm Figure: Bus Schedule for Shutter Bus (Source: Mid Valley Megamall official website) Bus No Bus Route Frequency Bus Stop Location T631 University LRT Station Mid Valley Megamall University LRT Station 20 30 min North Court U66 Klang Bus Stand KL Sentral Brickfields Mid Valley Megamall Taman Medan 15 20 min North Court South Court U84 Klang Bus Stand KL Sentral Bangsar LRT Station Mid Valley Megamall Kelana Jaya 15 20 min North Court South Court U85 Klang Bus Stand KL Sentral Bangsar LRT Station Mid Valley Megamall SS2 Seapark 15 20 min North Court South Court U87 Klang Bus Stand KL Sentral Bangsar LRT Station Mid Valley Megamall Bangsar Park 15 20 min North Court South Court Figure: General Bus Services (Source: Mid Valley Megamall official website.) Mid Valley Megamall can be accessed through five major highways and two railway lines. In the future, the improvement of road and public transportation will be done. It includes a designated monorail station, a link bridge to the Putra LRT Station and the upgrading of internal traffic flow. Being located in between Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya, an amount of RM250 million was invested in constructing a flyover and enhance the network of road for the purpose to connect the Federal Highway and all the major catchment and residential suburbs or businesses premises within Klang Valley to Mid Valley Megamall. The location plan is enclosed in appendix X. Meanwhile, the location of the department stores is also very important for the convenient of the customers. INFRASTRUCTURES AND FACILITIES Mid Valley consists of four entrances located at the direction of east, south, north and west respectively. Information Counters are available in Centre, North and South Court at ground floor. They are willing to assist those customers by showing a helpful attitude. In terms of car parking, Mid Valley is provided 4000 car parks in order to cater the need of high crowd during peak hours. Effective from 5 May 2008, the basement car parks of Mid Valley Megamall The Gardens Mall were separated where the car parks for Mid Valley Megamall are zones A and C. The exact location of the parking area is shown in the plan enclosed in appendix. Figure: New Car Park Rates effective 26 March 2007 until the present. (Source: Mid Valley Megamall official website.) Besides, Mid Valley Megamall also provides washrooms and baby changing facilities. The washrooms provided for the benefit of all the customers while the baby changing facilities are provided for the benefit of a mother. In addition, Mid Valley Megamall is comprises five lifts which enable the customers to travel from floor to floor. Escalators also available at East, South and North Court and there are two travelators that connecting the lower ground floor with basement which is very convenient for the customers. A proper floor plan is enclosed in appendix for further clarification of the exact location for the facilities and infrastructures. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Mid Valley consists of five floors where each floor is specifying for certain products and services. Lower ground floor is for daily essentials such as hypermarket, supermarket, pharmacies and money-changers. Besides, this floor is providing a numerous fast food outlet and local delights. Ground floor is mainly for the adults which include the apparel, footwear, accessories, beauty care, health care, bookstore and others essential items that fulfill the desires of an adult. First floor is the paradise for a kid, which include the fashion for kids, beauty and hair saloons for the adults. Second floor is specialized for those who wish to decorate their house. Besides, IT Centre is also available in this floor to cater the need of young generation in the ever changing technology of the world. Third floor is for entertainment such as Golden Screen Cinemas, Mid Valley Exhibition Centre, Pets Wonderland, Cosmic Bowl, Megakidz and a food court. Besides the products, the proper display area also being taken into consideration in order to be easily accessible by the customer. Mid valley is able to stimulate customers to spend more time and money in Mid Valley through the visual display merchandising. The store directory: Anchors Accessories Apparel Discounters Entertainment Exhibition/ Property Showroom Food and Beverage Health/ Personal Care Houseware and Furnishings Information Technology Jewellery Leisure Luggage Shoes and Bags Sporting Goods and Apparel Sundry and Services Tailoring Textile Watches and Pens Mid Valley Megamall also provides certain services for the convenience of the customers. The services provided: ATMs Banks Cobbler Laundrette Money Changers Post Office Alteration Shop Clinic Dentist Locksmith Newstands Print Shop STAFF In addition, Mid Valley Megamall is continually investing in a comprehensive staff training and skills development programme which aimed at improving both the soft and hard skills of the staff and enable them to perform their responsibilities in a right manner. The quality and attitude of the staffs will be indirectly affecting the level of customer satisfaction towards Mid Valley Megamall. The important qualities of the staffs are friendliness, helpfulness, communication skill and responsiveness. BUILDING LAYOUT Challenge of the management team of Mid Valley Megamall is to ensure the customers willing to visit Mid Valley Megamall repeatedly. Mid Valley Megamall is a customer-centric shopping centre which offers best and wide range of services. It is operated by an experienced team of industry experts to ensure the innovative marketing and leasing initiatives. Besides, Mid Valley Megamall was invested over millions in comprehensive store renovation and upgrading activities in order to improve and enhance the malls environment. In terms of marketing, Mid Valley Megamall has planned the promotion aggressively with the mission to provide the delightful shopping experience to the shoppers. In order to bring excitement and hour of enjoyment to the shoppers, visual merchandising are used in creating a unique atmosphere for the public and enhance the competitiveness of Mid Valley Megamall. The marketing and promotional activities are supported by themed and strong-concept in-house events throughout the mall such as Mid Valley Megamall Fashion Week 2009 which introduce the hottest spring or summer collections through the fabulous design and chic runway shows. This show is designated for the fashion lover. During different festivals such as Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Merry Christmas celebration, Mid Valley Megamall will decorate the centre court into atmosphere with unique and attractive theme. Mid Valley Megamall was the only shopping mall in Asia that achieved international recognition in MAXI Awards ceremony held in Hollywood last year. This award is organized by International Council of Shopping Centres. For the Hari Raya celebration 2008, Mid Valley Megamall themed as Cherish The Good Old Days in a Brand New Way that create a harmony atmosphere. This unique theme help Mid Valley Megamall won in the Visual Merchandising category of the MAXI Award. 3.5 SUMMARY This chapter has discussed about the research process which include the research framework, research method and purpose, population of questionnaire, the scale for the questions and distributing method. A case study in Mid Valley Megamall has been discussed in this chapter; it includes the background, description, mission and vision of Mid Valley Megamall. Furthermore, the factors that influences the customer satisfaction being discussed for the case study of Mid Valley Megamall. The factors are location and accessibility, infrastructure and facilities, product and services, staff and building layout.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Age Of Reason Essay -- essays research papers

Stein 2 Certain Individuals that lived in the period of time know as the Age of Reason discovered many knew inventions and advancements to improve the quality of life. When experimented with, these advantages brought forth knew ideas to extraordinary people who forever changed the way we look at life. Although many people found these discoveries to bring a great revival to mankind, others rejected these new improvements and felt as if they were defying god. These years were full of discoveries, conflicts, and new visions that of the world. The age of reason brought on many changes to religious, political, scientific, and literary aspects of the eighteenth century. Ever since the beginning of time, religion has been the dominating source of reason. People have turned to prayer and spirituality for a sense of control and understanding in their lives. Not until the years of the age of reason was there an alternative proposed for a better method of interpreting things. This alternative method was science. Although scientific thought spread rapidly, religion was not forgotten. Religion controlled many things science could not. It gave people a sense of why they are here and why things occur. This understanding results in sanity and calmness. During the age of reason, people who kept religion flourishing were Ethan Allen, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, and Patrick Henry. In Thomas Paine’s The Crisis, No. 1, he uses vivid imagery and rhetorical techniques to persuade the audience into believing his point. â€Å"Even the expression is impious; for so unlimited a power can belong only to God.†(Paine). In Ethan Allen’s Reason only Oracle of Man, reason is taught through the eyes of an oracle, or someone whom God speaks to the people through. A religious revival that flourished around this point in history was called Deism. Deism beliefs differed in many ways than the traditional religions for it’s major concept was that God spoke through everyone, not only a particular chosen one. Franklin, Paine, and Jefferson all participated as active Deists, abandoning their previous religion from which they were raised. A key aspect that attracted many people to Deism was that its goal was to achieve goodness and prosperity throughout the world. Although this way of thinking seemed to have no faults, there was the share of those who rejected this idea. As rationalism spread in th... ...cements made in the political movement of the age of reason are what give the basis and shape of our successful governments today. The age of reason also contributed a great literary works. Gaining more common sense, authors were able to use more abstract thinking in their writing and talk about truth rather then fantasy or fiction. Some of the great authors of this time include James Madison and Alexander Hamilton (the Federalist Papers), Franklin and Jefferson’s Autobiographies, and Michel Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur (Letters from an American farmer). As literary works were at their peaks, poetry was on the duller, unoriginal side. It was often written in direct imitations of the British and had no thought or reason behind it. Great poetry would be soon to come in the age of romanticism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The age of reason brought on many changes to religious, political, scientific, and literary aspects of the eighteenth century. With advancements, improvements and intelligence improving rapidly through everyone who lived at in that time, the age of reason was more of a turning point in the course of history then just a period of time.

Coors :: essays research papers

The Coors company got started when Adolph Coors and was 15 years old when he tool a ship to New York form Germany in 1868. With his savings and with the help of a partner, he started developing a brewery. Which took place in 1882. Then he bought his partner out and Adolph Coors started running on his own. As Adolph’s progress was going, people started to fight the sins of drinking and along came prohibition. Because of prohibition Adolph turned his brewery into making porcelain and selling malted milk instead of making beer. Adolph during the WWI he had to work really hard to get drinking legal again because of prohibition. His son Adolph Jr. Coors had help his father keep the business and to keep it running in the 1920’s. Adolph Jr.’s father died in June of 1929, the age of 82, as he was on vacation with his wife. While his wife was trying to get over influenza. They were unsure of his of his death; it could have been suicide. But after his death he left his ch ildren 2 million dollars and the brewery. 1933 prohibition was repealed. One of few breweries that actually lasted. During 1933 Adolph Coors Jr. took over the business after his father died. During the great depression Adolph the 3rd got ready to join the brewery business and also Joe and Bill joined too. There was a one-week strike from labor force. Many people thought that Coors discriminated against blacks, women, and homosexuals. Joe and his family plus his business was not publicly scared because of Joe Coors expressing his views and onions open. In the 1977 Coors business workers went on strike against lie detector tests, personal trust, and like searches discrimination everyone protested against Coors beer. It was almost 10 years before the boycotts against Coors ended.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Have you ever seen commercials on television advertising allergy medications? The advertisement explains that taking the medication can cause abnormal sleep patterns, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itching, watery eyes, rashes, and headaches. A conclusion could be made that the side effects of the product would be much worse than the allergy problem. However, people still buy the product. The lengths an average person will go in order to get a quick fix is amazing. It is this way of thinking that makes tanning beds so popular. Over the last decade, cancer causing tanning beds have given self-image issues to people across the world. For, example a self proclaimed â€Å"child of the 70’s†, Donna Moncivaiz soaked in the sun whenever possible. As an adult she graduated to tanning beds and allowed her teenaged children use them also. Two years ago 51 year old Donna was diagnosed with melanoma. She had lost her gallbladder. Her daughter has also been diagnosed with an early stag e of melanoma. Donna states â€Å"If I had known what I know now, it never would have happened.† Many people will do things that will make you think that tanning is something they need to survive like spending millions of dollars in a life time for tanning beds, ending up becoming addicted to it, as well as they could get many types of skin cancers later on in life. All these things just for something that can hurt you in your life time and can kill you as well. So why even start? So why do people go tanning? Many people go tanning to get the feeling of beauty. In society today, having a tan is thought to be one of the most attractive and appealing senses to the opposite sex. Unfortunately, tanning beds are used most frequently among teenagers. This is especially harmful bec... ... cause death to someone. Skin cancers are separated into two categories. First one is malignant melanomas and non melanoma. The first is basal cell carcinoma; basal cell carcinoma begins in the lowest layer of the epidermis, the basal cell layer. Basal cell cancer accounts for 75% of all skin cancers. This type of skin cancer tends to be slow growing and is usually is found in areas that are highly exposed to sunlight, such as the head or neck. People with lighter skin are more likely to get basal cell cancer than are dark skinned people. The second type is called squamous cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for 20% of all skin cancers, and penetrates the skin more than basal cell would, therefore, is considered to be more harmful. The growth of a squamous cell is more quicker than a basal cell. It can spread to the lymph nodes, arms, neck, and the head.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Of Mice and Men Commentary

â€Å"Of Mice and Men† is a novel written by the 1962 Nobel Prize winner, John Steinbeck. It is an emotional tale of the extraordinary friendship between George and Lennie, who are traveling workers in the harsh depression years of the 1930s. George is a caring person whose love to Lennie is just like a father-son relationship, where Lennie, a mentally challenged man whose strength lies in body rather than brain, appears to be very dependent on George. â€Å"Of Mice and Men† teaches a universal theme about the nature of human beings that a person whose power exists over another turns corrupt.Steinbeck exploits the theme of power and control in his novel through the extensive use of sexism, racial discrimination, and the power of the strong over the weak. Sexism is the belief that one sex is superior over the other. In â€Å"Of Mice and Men†, Steinbeck undoubtedly shows that the power is centered on the majority sex, which is the males, against the minority, the f emales, where in this novel is â€Å"Curley's wife†. By simply keeping the character nameless and using the expression â€Å"Curley's wife† to identify her is a clear example of referring to her as an object without any respect rather than a person. Curley's wife† shows how women during the early 1900s were inferior under the men. She is merely the spouse of Curley as far as all the men in the ranch are concerned. â€Å"They are only forced to relate to her through Curley; if they fear him or want no trouble, the men will stay away from her. George, for example, has set goals in his mind that he is committed to, thus he will stay away from her in order not to get into any trouble. On the other hand, if they do not fear anyone, they can enjoy their time with the intention of forming a physical relationship with her.Lennie, whose childish mind cannot comprehend why he should stay away from Curley's wife, falls into the trap and gets severe consequences for doing s o. â€Å"She is simply a person living in the ranch with the purpose of only to obey Curley with no voice to complain to. All the men including Curley may go to the â€Å"cathouse† and enjoy their time; Curley's wife on the other hand, may not dare to do the same, along with Crooks. During the 1900s, racial discrimination was widely used throughout America, a land that is filled with various ethnic groups. Steinbeck portrays the cruel racist manner that is used throughout on the stable buck, Crooks.He lives a separate, isolated life under everyone in the ranch, and is incapable to protest, merely because he is black. He is terribly labeled with the epithet of a â€Å"nigger† from everyone else. Steinbeck portrays him as an unfortunate man for being born black with no power at all and may not do anything about it. He is not allowed to enter any white man's room, and to slightly raise his own degraded dignity, does the same, not allowing any white man to his room; altho ugh he only says so, it is not necessarily true as we later on see that George and candy enter.Crooks is a person where all the sorrows and miseries of another can be thrown on him because he is powerless to object. As soon as Curley's wife feels insulted from him and Candy, she threatens him verbally, using her superior social status as a white woman, â€Å"Well you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung out in a tree so easy it ain't even funny†. Although most people in the ranch appear to want friendship, they all live with hidden fear of each other.The years of the great depression left everyone trying to look stronger and better than the other, or otherwise the strong will get rid of them; the killing of Candy's dog is a great symbol for that which makes it clear. Candy's dog is ought to get shot and killed, even though it has spent its lifetime with Candy, because it is now old and useless. The stronger, in this case man (Carlson), mercilessly shoots Candy 's dog, who knew nothing of his grief fate. Candy then sees his reflection upon the killing of his dog, that he will soon get too old and therefore useless, which will then have him left alone.This pushes him into desperately asking George to permit him to join with him and Lennie for the pursuit of their own dream ranch, â€Å"Tha's three hundred an' fifty bucks I'd put in, I ain't much good, but I could cook and tend the chickens and hoe the garden some†. On the contrary, Curley is a man who takes advantage of his authority and power to oppress and mock others to make himself seem stronger and even more powerful. He uses his power and gender to boss around with workers of his ranch and his wife, respectively. However, when he chose to do so towards Lennie, Lennie reacts angrily and smashes his hand.Through the intense use of sexism, racial discrimination, and the power of the strong over the weak, Steinbeck successfully exploits the theme of power and control. Whether it is mentally, physically, or money wise, power seems to be moving from one person to another depending on the situation. Perhaps it really is the roots of evil; that occurs as a result of someone realizing his power over others, and then uses it for his own personal desires, while taking advantage of others. In other words, as the Arabic proverb professes, a person's power and freedom is corrupt when it limits the power and freedom of another.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Okonkwo Essay

Some cypher the arts as having an extra-artistic cognitive function, that they assume a message about homophiles place in the founding which might stimulate social or political implications. For example, there might be a case for supposing that the arts take away an important function as a medium for social criticism and transformation. In any case, there is a far-flung belief that the arts stimulate a higher purpose to educate by encouraging introspection and sometimes devising us think about how we should subsist our lives. Two heads are better than one. discipline nd wagering in groups involves dual-lane or learned values, resources, and ways of doing things. meeting working classs after part reinforce skills that are pertinent to both group and individual work, including the strength to break task into parts, plan and apportion time and gain communication skills. What strategies were use? Many of my classmates including myself would have preferred to work on this cypher individually, more(prenominal)over severally now and thence more pass on make for lighter work. When my spouse and I got together to begin our project we had decided to split the project in half. Same an equal amount of work. I wouldnt say we used and precise strategies to begin the Mexican Revolution project.We did however follow the some of the guidelines of the design calendar method to begin which included plan, investigate, design and create. What association was acquired? Because my partner had so much friendship of the Mexican Revolution, she was able to help me understandably understand/clarify certain things that had occurred that I was uncertain of. Because we had to do some investigate on our own I gained more on the revolution, to the porfiriato era where porfito Diaz himself introduced railroads, to ow important the temper was for the people. What skills were utilized and developed?Group projects can also help students develop skills to collaborati ve efforts, allowing students such as myself to delegate roles and responsibilities, trade perspectives, knowledge and skills, hold one other and be held accountable. (We were able to use permeable knowledge from class and what we have been taught to be able to complete the project. I was able to develop and gain more knowledge of the Mexican revolution because of my partners knowledge. ) What will be done ditterently in the tuture? A brood of things will be done differently in the future.Time management of course. We end up doing it the same calendar week it was collectible which caused some stress on each of us individually. Although we completed out project in time I would have liked to have started planning the week she told us Just to have had a head start and know what we were doing then actually doing it last minute and not really knowing what we were going to do. flat if we decided to split the work, I would have wanted to still worked together since it was a group project. But above all, it was a great experience working with some other individual. 378

Project Proposal for a Student Record Database Management System

figure Proposal for a educatee Record Database Management brass for Microtech fetch of multimedia & technology (MIMUT) Title schoolchild Record Database Management frame ticker designWest Afri base Chartered College Student NameMalamin Gassama IMIS Membership Number344029 executive program NameMr. Mike Topic Area Records Management Project TitleStudent Record Database Management System to keep extend of scholarly persons account process, course, class dates and instruction bungs.IntroductionThis project is under taken as a result of the Management team of Microtech Institute of multimedia & Technology though it is necessary to part a governing body that can keep track of their students readjustment processes, class start dates, courses chosen and tuition tip payment. With the above aim they should be able to stomach access to the information mention in genuinely time. This leave behind attend to the management to take decisions and similarly bequeath energis e the land book and finance lag work more organized.Database Management System and DataThe installation is experiencing a lot of student turn extinct to their various courses. Some do apply for multiple courses at the same time. Some times files atomic number 18 being missing, which makes it very difficult to access a particular students record in regarding to personal information, class start dates and tuition fee payment. Justifications For the company Microtech Institute of Multimedia and Technology wishes to pretend a student record management administration to keep record of the students enrolment process, course, class dates and tuition feesMicrotech Institute of Multimedia and Technology is please nearly the system (Database practise) is to develop or implement and this impart give me the opportunity to withdraw Microsoft nettle 2007 as the database back end. For the student It testament provide me with the opportunity for the first-time to design and develop a rich database management system for usance by the Institute in real-time. Designing and implementation of the database system allow for be challenging and will too provide me with what its uniform in a real production environment to design and develop such type of system for business phthisis or purpose. accusatives A minimum of four Objective Activities 1. Analyse the works and duties of the Institute memory access process. deliverables kit and boodle with the members of staff in the admission department for hardly a(prenominal) days to observers the way they carry out student enrolment as fountainhead as the finance department in tuition collection digest of report explaining the function of the admission department. Who will social occasion them and why The reports will help me through the festering phase of the database model and schema. Objective Activities Deliverables Who will role them and why . Improve the work of the Institute admission Department. Creating of forms and queries and database model. User friendly Graphic User port wine with stimulant drug, which the help the exploiter to easily interact with the database. And input the correct data types in their respective fields. This will reduce the tendency of inputting the wrong figures. It will help the admission department to easily find and track students who did not complete their tuition fee, and whether if they are doing the right courses they apply for. Objective Activities DeliverableWho will use them and why 3. System testing. Allowing the Institutes admission Department staff and other(a) members of staff as well to test the database coat using dummy and live data. The data will hold normal, valid and invalid data, and quantity. Come up with a ready and normal database management system ready for use. To ensure that the proposed database management application meets the exploiters requirement and delivers their needs. Objective Activities Deliverable Who will use them and why4. User and Technical backing.Produce a well explain user and technical documentation. Working copies of the user and technical documentations. Complete signing off of the proposed project. Resources requisite for Carrying out the Project Microsoft corporation to help me with the documentation of Microsoft Access database application license, features and technical requirement. HardwareA personal computer (PC) or a lap point computer at least Pentium 3 processor, RAM sizing of at least 128 MB, Hard drive coat of at least 40GB, Internal or orthogonal Network Interface Card of 10/ degree centigrade mbps.SoftwareWindows Operating System (Window XP or later), Microsoft Office Access application (ms access 2007 or later), Antivirus software, Microsoft Office icon manager, Literature sourcesMicrosoft TechNet website, IMIS website, wikipedia and IT journals and library resources. Risks Type Gathering of unavoidable information from end users, to know what they want the applic ation to do and functions. I. e. application requirements. Action to be taken if stick upFailure in gathering qualified information for the start of the proposed project. TypeEmerging of wise technologies. Action to be taken if ariseWith peeled technologies comes up that I need to learn for the productive completion of the proposed project then I dexterity need to guard extra lectures after college hours, do research on the internet, self study and skipper help if possible. TypePolitical risk e. g. changes of top management of the institution. Action to be taken if ariseThe new management will be updated about the project, so that they can know exactly the boilers suit development process and bene blend ins to the institution. Investigation Plan steps to be takenGathering of inevitable materials like articles, books and published papers in student record management. Search on the internet for readymade student record management system application packages on the trade (Tr ials Versions) and review their features. This can help me through be project development phase. alike journals and magazines on the use of software for student record management and how this can boost business productivity if it is automated. Books/Articles read CADLE, J & YATES, D (2001), Project Management For Information System, Third Edition.Pearson Education. LAUDON, KC & LAUDON, JP (2004), Management Information Systems-managing the digital firm, Eighth Edition. Pearson Education. WARD, J & PEPPARD, J (2002), strategic Planning For Information Systems, Third Edition. John Wiley & Sons. doubting Thomas CONNOLLY, CARLYN Database systems-A practical approach to Design, Implementation, and Management. Forth Edition. Addision Wasley. Internet sites include http//www. google. com http//www. wikipedia. com Project Development Plan Giant graph with milestones CHART FOR STUDENT RECORD MANAGEMENT DATABASE activity FOR MIMUTWBS WBS DESCRIPTION START subvert DURATION 1 Project M anagement 10/08/2011 12/12/2011 22 Weeks 2 Investigations 10/08/2011 24/08/2011 2 Weeks 3Systems Requirements 17/08/2011 21/09/2011 5 Weeks 4 Design 21/09/2011 06/12/2011 11Weeks 5Implementation And military rank 06/10/2011 27/12/2011 3 Weeks 6 Testing 19/10/2011 27/12/2011 10 Weeks 7 Documentation 25/08/2010 12/01/2012 20 Weeks Supervisors CommentsSupervisors must make comments about what was discussed with the student. How would the project be tackled/completed? What problems may they anticipate? What additional training is required?Also what are the students weak areas, and what they have to do to overcome them? Finally is the project fit for purpose? The following are not bankable 1) a good project, 2) I am of the plan that it is suitable, 3) good, etc. Reasons for comments Areas of concern Additional support required General guidance/comments Letter of Agreement A letter of agreement from the employer must be link up for all projects containing work-based material. Signatu re of Student Signature of Supervisor Date of Agreement NB Electronic signatures will be accepted.