Sunday, January 26, 2020
Driverless Metro Train With Obstacle Detector Engineering Essay
Driverless Metro Train With Obstacle Detector Engineering Essay INTRODUCTION This project is designed to understand the technology used in driver less metro train. This technology is the future of the metro train. This train will be equipped with the microcontroller as the CPU, Sensors, Displays, and Motors. These trains will be designed for following the specific path. This microcontroller will be programmed such that door opens and close automatically when the train reaches its station. This microcontroller will be programmed for a specific path so that it knows the distance between two stations. It also opens the door when train reaches the station for a certain time and then closes. Also if the train is following its path and in front of train an obstacle is detected the sensor will sense the obstacle from a safer distance so that the train can be stopped before accident. In this project we are using the same pattern described above. Here we are using AT89S52 microcontroller as a CPU. One stepper motor is used for the train so that it can travel between the stations. Second, motor is used for the door open and close. For displaying the number of station and emergency message we are using 2 line LCD displays. Here the train is designed for ten stations numbered 1 to 10. LCD is used to display the message as station number reached. Also buzzer is used as a sound indicator of emergency alarm and door open. Sensor is used to detect the obstacle in front of the train. When the obstacle is detected the buzzer will sound , all the motors stop, and message will be displayed on the LCD. When the obstacle is removed the train will again start moving on its path. The train equipped with microcontroller controls LCD L293D motor driving IC PIR sensor Buzzer Led LIST OF COMPONENTS 1 IC 8051 MC (AT89S52) 1 2 IC L293D 1 3 Transformer (120 V to 12V) 1 4 Voltage Regulator 7806 1 5 Voltage Regulator 7812 1 6 2 X16 LCD display 1 7 Stepper Motor 2 8 Crystal Oscillator (11.0592 MHz) 2 9 Switch 1 10 LED 1 11 Resistors (1k,10k,8.2k,18 SIP10kÃŽà ©)- pack of each 12 Capacitors(22pf,10uf,1mf,10nf) pack of each 13 Diode IN4007 4 14 Buzzer 1 15 Transistor (5474A) 1 16 PIR 1 WORKING OF PROJECT: Driver less metro train project is typically based on microcontroller. Where microcontroller used as a CPU is controlling the entire circuit. The micro IC is programmed to follow the sequence of instruction or interrupts generated during the whole operation. The whole project circuit is divided into different parts so that it is easy to understand and debug. The main parts are Main microcontroller circuit L293D motor driving circuit Power supply circuit LCD circuit PIR sensor circuit These four parts are connected together to make the whole project functional. BLOCK DIAGRAM led POWER SUPPLY MICRO 8051 L293D IC MOTOR SENSOR PIR LCD 2X16 BUZZER CIRCUIT DESIGN (MULTISIM DESIGN, ULTIBOARD DESIGN) POWER SUPPLY For explaining the working of the project firstly we explain the architecture of the power supply. For this project we need the power supply that can convert 120V to 12V and 6 V. the main components used in the power supply are: DC POWER SUPPLLY Transformer (120V to 12V Step down, 0.5Amp) IN4007 diodes connected I bridge shape Voltage regulator 7806 and 7812 Capacitor (1uf,10 nf) Resistor (10 kohm) The 120 volts is step down by 12 volts by transformer. Then this 12V is rectified by the bridge rectifier made up of diodes. This bridge rectifier is used to provide DC voltage. Then the 12V is regulated by 7806 to 6V and 7812 to 12V. 1 micro farad capacitor is used to filter the pulsating DC voltage in order to get the pure DC. Here 6V is given to the microcontroller circuit. Other, 12V is given to the motor driving circuit. Here Voltage regulator is used so that no fluctuation occurs in order to get constant voltage. The LED attaches to check the correctness of power supply. PIR SENSOR PIR stands for Passive infrared sensor which detects the motion of the obstacle in front of the train. Its pin 1 is connected to the VCC, pin 3 connected to the ground and pin 2 is connected to the base 0 of the transistor. The output of the sensor is active high which is given to the base of the transistor. This transistor act like a not gate and convert active high input to active low output of the transistor output. The collector of the transistor is connected to the microcontroller port 3.0. Resistance is connected to the base of the transistor to prevent overflow of the current. The output of the PIR sensor is digital. When PIR sensor senses the obstacle in front of the it sends active low input through transistor to the microcontroller as a interrupt. When microcontroller gets this interrupt the programming in the microcontroller stops all the motor bringing the train to stop. Also the led will glow and buzzer will sound showing the presence of obstacle. LCD MODULE In our project we are using 2 line and 16 digit LCD display. This lcd has 16 pins. It is connected as a parallel port to the microcontroller. Here we are using 14 pins two pins are not being used. Out of these 14 pins, 8 pins are used for data lines to communicate with the microcontroller. These 8 pins are connected to the port 2.0 to port 2.7 of the microcontroller. When the message is to be displayed by the microcontroller it is transferred through these data pins. Here data bit D7 is used for showing the busy message. When D7=1 the LCD is busy and when it is D7=0 than it is not. RW, EN, and RD are connected to the port 3 pins P3.5 to P3.7. EN pin is used to detect the high to low pulse. RS=1 is used for register select that is data register to display data coming from microcontroller and RS=0 command register to get command from microcontroller like clrscr. For data register RS =1 and for command register RS=0. For RW we have R=1 and W=0. VCC pin is connected to 5V power supply, G ND pin is connected to ground. CV pin is connected to potentiometer which is used to adjust the contrast of the LCD. MOTOR DRIVING CIRCUIT The motor driving circuit depends upon the output of the microcontroller. 2 motors are connected to L293D IC. This IC is used separately to drive motor because the microcontroller voltage is low to drive the motors. L293D act as a amplifier for driving the motor. Here the output of the IC is same as the input the difference is just that the input voltage is amplified. Two motors are connected to the output of the IC. This L293D IC can rotate motor in either direction. L293D is connected to the port0 of the microcontroller through pull up resistor. In the staring both the motor are in off state. Each motor has two pins that are connected to the IC. Here instead of using both motor we are using CD tray motor that will act like a gate which will open when it get open command from microcontroller and close with the close command. we are using stepper motor that is a electro-mechanical rotary actuator that converts electrical pulses into unique shaft rotations. This rotation is directly r elated to the number of pulses. This motor can be operated in forward/reverse with controllable speed from a microcontroller through a transistor driver circuit. This stepper motor is a (4 phase) 12 VDC, 150 mA motor that takes 3.6 degrees per step. Phase resistance (Ohms): 75 à · Current (mA): 150 à · Phase Inductance (mH): 39 à · Detent torque (g-cm): 80 à · Holding Torque (g-cm): 600 à · Mounting hole space diagonal (in.): 1.73 à · Mounting hole (in.) 0.11 à · Shaft diameter (in.): 0.197 à · Shaft length (in.): 0.43 à · Motor Diameter (in.): 1.66 à ·Motor height (in.): 1.35 à · Weight: 0.55 lbs. BUZZER C:UsersAdminDesktopimages (1).jpg In this project buzzer is used as a alarm indicator. Buzzer has 2 pins its positive is connected to the supply voltage and negative pin is connected to microcontroller at port 1 pin p1.0. Buzzer will sound when it receive 0 from the microcontroller and stop when it receive 1 from P1.0. This buzzer will sound when the train reaches the station and also in case of emergency when obstacle is detected. AT89S52 C:UsersAdminDesktopAT89S52-MICROCONTROLLER-configuration.jpg The AT89S52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 8K bytes of in-system programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured using Atmels high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-standard 80C51 instruction set and pinout. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with in-system programmable Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89S52 is a powerful microcontroller which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control applications. The AT89S52 provides the following standard features: 8K bytes of Flash, 256 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, Watchdog timer, two data pointers, three 16-bit timer/counters, a six-vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, on-chip oscillator, and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89S52 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port, and interrupt system to continue functioning. In this microcontroller 11.0592 crystal oscillator is used to produce clock pulses for the microcontroller functioning. These clock pulses are used for R/W cycle. 2 ceramic capacitor of 22pf are used to provide pure pulse to the microcontroller. A combination of resistance 10 kilo ohm and capacitor of 10uf are used to provide reset circuitry. When we provide power to microcontroller it should be reset for some time. The reset time is given by t= 1.1*R*C. This reset circuitry is connected to port 1 reset pin; this circuit can be manually reset using switch which is also connected to the reset pin. Interrupt pin INTO is connected to the output of the transistor which gives active low input as a interrupt. Port 0 is connected to 18 (10 kohm) SIP resistors to provide the external pull up. Port is used for the output to the motor driver circuit. Port 2 is connected to the LCD module. TROUBLESHOOT 1-Care should be taken while choosing the components with proper rating. 2- Power supply should maintain preventing short circuit. 3- Project should be handled with care since IC is delicate. 4- Project circuit should be simple so that it is to debug. 5-Etching and drilling holes should be done carefully. 6-Soldering should be done with proper precaution Advantages 1-Lower expenditure for staff .However, service and security personnel is common in automated systems. 2-Trains can be shorter and instead run more frequently without increasing expenditure for staff. 3-Service frequency can easily be adjusted to meet sudden unexpected demands.. 4-Intruder detection systems can be more effective than humans in stopping trains if someone is on the tracks. 5-Financial savings in both energy and wear-and-tear costs because trains are driven to an optimum specification. FUTURE SCOPE This project will be useful for the metro trains. This is very low cost project that can be help full in operating the train without driver. One can operate the train from remote distance. It will also be beneficial for the developing countries decreasing the cost of labors. Also the station information and emergency will also be displayed to the passengers. It will going to increase the technology trends. This is just a scratch to start this project there is a lot of improvement can be done in this project APPENDIX CODING FOR PROJECT #include void delay(unsigned int); void lcdcmd(unsigned char); void lcddata(unsigned char); void lcdready(); void welcome(); void obstacle(); void station(); void gate(); sfr ldata = 0xA0; sbit rs = P3^7; sbit rw = P3^6; sbit en = P3^5; sbit busy = P2^7; sbit m11 = P0^0; sbit m12 = P0^1; sbit m21 = P0^2; sbit m22 = P0^3; sbit alarm = P1^0; sbit led = P1^1; void ad(void) interrupt 0 { P0 = 0x00; alarm = 0; obstacle(); } void main(void) { IT0 = 0; // Configure interrupt 0 for falling edge on /INT0 (P3.2) EX0 = 1; // Enable EX0 Interrupt EA = 1; // Enable Global Interrupt Flag P0 = 0x00; alarm = 1; led = 1; m11 = m12 = m21 = m22 = 0; lcdcmd(0x38); lcdcmd(0x0E); lcdcmd(0x01); lcdcmd(0x06); lcdcmd(0x81); while(1) { welcome(); station(); lcddata(1); led = 0; gate(); led = 1; m11 = 1; delay(1000); m11 = 0; station(); lcddata(2); led = 0; gate(); led = 1; m11 = 1; delay(1000); m11 = 0; station(); lcddata(3); led = 0; gate(); led = 1; m11 = 1; delay(1000); m11 = 0; station(); lcddata(4); led = 0; gate(); led = 1; m11 = 1; delay(1000); m11 = 0; station(); lcddata(5); led = 0; gate(); led = 1; m11 = 1; delay(1000); m11 = 0; station(); lcddata(6); led = 0; gate(); led = 1; m11 = 1; delay(1000); m11 = 0; station(); lcddata(7); led = 0; gate(); led = 1; m11 = 1; delay(1000); m11 = 0; station(); lcddata(8); led = 0; gate(); led = 1; m11 = 1; delay(1000); m11 = 0; station(); lcddata(9); led = 0; gate(); led = 1; m11 = 1; delay(1000); m11 = 0; station(); lcddata(1); lcddata(0); led = 0 ; gate(); led = 1; } } void gate() { m21 = 1; m22 = 0; delay(200); m21 = m22 = 0; delay(300); m21 = 0; m22 = 1; delay(200); m21 = m22 = 0; } void welcome() { unsigned char proj1[] = Metro Rail; unsigned char z; lcdcmd(0x01); lcdcmd(0x83); for(z = 0; z { lcddata(proj1[z]); } delay(200); } void obstacle() { unsigned char obs1[] = Obstacle; unsigned char obs2[] = Detected; unsigned char z; lcdcmd(0x01); lcdcmd(0x84); for(z = 0; z { lcddata(obs1[z]); } delay(100); lcdcmd(0xC4); for(z = 0; z { lcddata(obs2[z]); } } void station() { unsigned char st[] = Station ; unsigned char z; lcdcmd(0x01); lcdcmd(0x83); for(z = 0; z { lcddata(st[z]); } } void delay(unsigned int itime) { unsigned int i,j; for(i=0;i for(j=0;j } void lcdcmd(unsigned char value) { lcdready(); ldata = value; rs = 0; rw = 0; en = 1; delay(1); en = 0; return; } void lcddata(unsigned char value) { lcdready(); ldata = value; rs = 1; rw = 0; en = 1; delay(1); en = 0; return; } void lcdready() { busy = 1; rs = 0; rw = 1; while(busy == 1) { en = 0; delay(1); en = 1; } return; }
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Definition of Terms Essay
A pre-Socratic Greek materialist philosopher. Democritus was a student of Leucippus and co-originator of the belief that all matter is made up of various imperishable, indivisible elements which he called atoma or ââ¬Å"indivisible unitsâ⬠, from which we get the English word atom. Mesopotamia A cradle of civilization geographically located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, largely corresponding to modern-day Iraq. Sumer in southern Mesopotamia is commonly regarded as the worldââ¬â¢s earliest civilization. Cities in Mesopotamia later served as capitals of the Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Mitanni, Neo-Assyrian, Neo-Babylonian, Parthian, Sassanid and Abbasid empires. Idea A concept or abstraction formed and existing in the mind. Human capability to contemplate ideas is associated with the ability of reasoning, self-reflection, and the ability to acquire and apply intellect. Further, ideas give rise to actual concepts, or mind generalizations, which are the basis for any kind of knowledge whether science or philosophy. Humbaba A monstrous giant of immemorial age raised by Utu, the Sun. Humbaba orHuwawa was also the guardian of the Cedar Forest where the gods lived. Anubis The Greek name for the ancient jackal-headed god of the dead in Egyptian mythology whose hieroglyphic version is more accurately spelled Anpu. He is also known as Sekhem Em Pet. Prayers to Anubis have been found carved on the most ancient tombs in Egypt; indeed, the Unas text (line 70) associates him with the Eye of Horus. He serves as both a guide of the recently departed and a guardian of the dead. Kumarbi Kumarbi bit off the genitals of Anu and spat out three new gods. This is related in the Hittite myth Kingship in Heaven: Alalu was overthrown by Anu who was in turn overthrown by Kumarbi. When Anu tried to escape Kumarbi bites off his genitals. Anu tells his son that he is now pregnant with the Teshub, Tigris and Tasmisu. Upon hearing this Kumarbi spit the semen upon the ground and it became impregnated with two children. Kumarbi becomes pregnant and is cut open to deliver Tesub. Together, Anu and Teshub depose Kumarbi Tammuz Tammuz was established in honor of the eponymous god Tammuz, who originated as a Sumerian shepherd-god, Dumuzid or Dumuzi, the consort of Inanna and, in his Akkadian form, the parallel consort of Ishtar. The Syrian Adonis (ââ¬Å"lordâ⬠), who was drawn into the Greek pantheon, is another counterpart of Tammuz,son and consort. The Aramaic name ââ¬Å"Tammuzâ⬠seems to have been derived from the Akkadian form Tammuzi, based on early Sumerian Damu-zid. Oligarchy A form of government where political power effectively rests with a small elite segment of society (whether distinguished by wealth, family or military powers). The word oligarchy is from the Greek words for ââ¬Å"fewâ⬠. Aton Aton was the focus of Akhenatenââ¬â¢s religion, but viewing Aton as Akhenatenââ¬â¢s god is a simplification. Aton is the name given to represent the solar disc. The term Aton was used to designate a disc, and since the sun was a disc, gradually became associated with solar deities. Aton expresses indirectly the life-giving force of light. Babylon A city of ancient Mesopotamia, the ruins of which can be found in present-day Al Hillah, Babil Province, Iraq, about 85 kilometers (55 mi) south of Baghdad. It was the ââ¬Å"holy cityâ⬠of Babylonia from around 2300 BC, and the seat of the Neo-Babylonian Empire from 612 BC. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Iliad The poem concerns events during the tenth and final year in the siege of the city of Ilion, or Troy, by the Greeks (See Trojan War). The word Iliad means ââ¬Å"pertaining to Ilionâ⬠(in Latin, Ilium), the city proper, as opposed to Troy (in Greek, , Troia; in Latin, Troia), the state centered around Ilium, over which Priam reigned. The names Ilium and Troy are often used interchangeably. Hyksos An Asiatic people who invaded the eastern Nile Delta, initiating the Second Intermediate Period of Ancient Egypt. They rose to power in the 17th century BC, (according to the traditional chronology) and ruled Lower and Middle Egypt for 108 years, forming the Fifteenth and possibly the Sixteenth Dynasties of Egypt, (c. 1648ââ¬â1540 BC). [1] This 108-year period follows the Turin Canon, which gives the six kings of the Hyksos 15th Dynasty a total reign length of 108 years. [2] Epimetheus Epimetheus (ââ¬Å"hindsightâ⬠, literally ââ¬Å"hind-thoughtâ⬠) was the brother of Prometheus (ââ¬Å"foresightâ⬠, literally ââ¬Å"fore-thoughtâ⬠), a pair of Titans who ââ¬Å"acted as representatives of mankindâ⬠(Kerenyi 1951, p 207). They were the inseparable sons of Iapetus, who in other contexts was the father of Atlas. While Prometheus is characterized as ingenious and clever, Epimetheus is depicted as foolish. Attica A periphery (subdivision) in Greece, containing Athens, the capital of Greece. Attica is subdivided into the prefectures of Athens, Piraeus, East Attica and West Attica. Enki A deity in Sumerian mythology, later known as Ea in Babylonian mythology, originally chief god of the city of Eridu. He was the deity of crafts . The exact meaning of his name is uncertain: the common translation is ââ¬Å"Lord of the Earthâ⬠: the Sumerian en is translated as a title equivalent to ââ¬Å"lordâ⬠Nebuchadnezzar II A ruler of Babylon in the Chaldean Dynasty, who reigned c. 605 BC-562 BC. He is famous for his monumental building within his capital of Babylon, his role in the Book of Daniel, and his construction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and known among Christians and Jews for his conquests of Judah and Jerusalem. Ionians One of the four main ancient Greek phyla or tribes, linked by their use of the Ionic dialect of the Greek language whose settlements were located principally on the Islands between Greece and Anatoliaââ¬âbut whose peoples settled on both coasts as well (giving rise to the eponymously named region of Ionia), which migrations includes only the southern areas of the Greek mainland including Athens. Akhenaten Meaning Effective spirit of Aten, first known as Amenhotep IV (sometimes read as Amenophis IV and meaning Amun is Satisfied) before his first year, was a Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. He is especially noted for attempting to compel the Egyptian population in the monotheistic worship of Aten, although there are doubts as to how successful he was at this. Inanna The goddess of love and war, if Inanna wasnââ¬â¢t strapping on her battle sandals,she was seen swaggering around the streets of her home town, dragging young men out of the taverns to have sex with her. Despite her association with mating and fertility of humans and animals, Inanna was not a mother goddess, and is rarely associated with childbirth. Inanna was also associated with rain and storms and with the planet Venus.. Boundless It is symbolized by the infinity sign which is like an inverted number 8. Ii manifests the eternal powers of a god-king which is limitless. Annunaki A group of Sumerian and Akkadian deities related to, and in some cases overlapping with, the Annuna (the ââ¬ËFifty Great Godsââ¬â¢) and the Igigi (minor gods). The name is variously written ââ¬Å"da-nunaâ⬠, ââ¬Å"da-nuna-ke4-neâ⬠, or ââ¬Å"da-nun-naâ⬠, meaning something to the effect of ââ¬Ëthose of royal bloodââ¬â¢ or ââ¬Ëprincely offspring or ââ¬Å"heaven and earthâ⬠(Anu-na-ki) The Annunaki appear in the Babylonian creation myth, Enuma Elish. Shamash Means ââ¬Å"sunâ⬠. Both in early and in late inscriptions Sha-mash is designated as the ââ¬Å"offspring of Nannar,â⬠i. e. of the moon-god, and since, in an enumeration of the pantheon, Sin generally takes precedence of Shamash, it is in relationship, presumably, to the moon-god that the sun-god appears as the dependent power. Academy An institution of higher learning, research, or honorary membership. The name traces back to Platoââ¬â¢s school of philosophy, founded approximately 385 BC at Akademia, a sanctuary of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, north of Athens. Sparta A Dorian Greek military city-state, originally centered in Laconia. Sparta emphasized military training, and after achieving notable victories over the Athenian and Persian Empires, regarded itself as the natural protector of Greece. The Kings of Sparta were believed to be the direct descendants of Hercules. [ Hephaestus The Greek god whose Roman equivalent was Vulcan; he was the god of technology, blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metals and metallurgy, and fire. He was worshipped in all the manufacturing and industrial centers of Greece, especially Athens identified by Greek colonists in southern Italy with the volcano gods Adranus of Mount Etna and Vulcanus of the Lipara islands, and his forge moved here by the poets. Uruk An ancient city of Sumer and later Babylonia, situated east of the present bed of the Euphrates, on the line of the ancient Nil canal, in a region of marshes, some 30 km east of As-Samawah, Al-Muthanna, Iraq. Octavian The name Gaius Octavius. His father, of the same name, came from a respectable but undistinguished family of the equestrian order and had been governor of Macedonia. After Octaviusââ¬â¢ birth, his father gave him the cognomen of Thurinus, possibly to commemorate his victory at Thurii over a rebellious band of slaves. [ Dialectics A controversy, that is, the exchange of arguments and counter-arguments respectively advocating propositions (theses) and counter-propositions (antitheses). The outcome of the exercise might not simply be the refutation of one of the relevant points of view, but a synthesis or combination of the opposing assertions. Gaea The Greek goddess personifying the Earth. Her Roman equivalent was Terra . derives from the Greek words Ge ( ) = Earth (Pelasgian), and *aia = grandmother (PIE The Republic A Socratic dialogue by Plato, written approximately 360 BC. It is an influential work of philosophy and political theory, and perhaps Platoââ¬â¢s best known work. Minotaur A creature that was part man and part bull. ââ¬Å"Minotaurâ⬠is Greek for ââ¬Å"Bull of Minosâ⬠. It dwelt at the center of the Labyrinth, which was an elaborate maze-like construction built for King Minos of Crete and designed by the architect Daedalus and his son Icarus who were ordered to build it to hold the Minotaur. The Minotaur was eventually killed by Theseus Utnapishtim In the eleventh tablet of the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim ââ¬Å"the farawayâ⬠is the wise king of the Sumerian city state of Shuruppak who, along with his unnamed wife, survived a great flood sent by Enlil to drown every living thing on Earth. Kadesh An ancient city of the Levant, located on the Orontes River, probably identical to the remains at Tell Nebi Mend,about 24 km southwest of Hims ,in what is now western Syria . Kadesh is first noted as one of two Canaanite cities (the other being Megiddo) that led a coalition of city-states opposing the conquest of the Levant by Thutmose III Neanderthals A species of the Homo genus (Homo neanderthalensis or Homo sapiens neanderthalensis) that inhabited Europe and parts of western Asia. The first proto-Neanderthal traits appeared in Europe as early as 350,000 years ago. Stela A stone or wooden slab, generally taller than it is wide, erected for funerary or commemorative purposes, most usually decorated with the names and titles of the deceased or livingââ¬âinscribed, carved in relief (bas-relief, sunken-relief, high-relief, etc), or painted onto the slab. Pandora The first woman, Each god helped create by giving her unique gifts. Zeus ordered her creation as a punishment for mankind, in retaliation for Prometheusââ¬â¢ having stolen fire and then giving it to humans for their use. She is most famous for carrying a jar (pithos) (or box) containing all the worldââ¬â¢s evils. She releases these evils, but closes the lid before Hope can escape. Knossos The largest Bronze Age archaeological site on Crete, probably the ceremonial and political center of the Minoan civilization and culture. The city of Knossos remained important through the Classical and Roman periods Pax Romana The latin term for ââ¬Å"the Roman peaceâ⬠(sometimes Pax Augusta), was the long period of relative peace and minimal expansion by military force experienced by the Roman Empire between 27 BC and 180 AD. Augustus Caesar led Rome into the moderation of Pax Romana, and his successors for the most part imitated his policy. This period ended with the death of Marcus Aurelius, which is considered the start of the decline of the Roman Empire. Xerxes A king of Persia (reigned 485ââ¬â465 BC) of the Achaemenid dynasty. Xerxes ( ) is the Greek form of the Old Persian throne name Xsayarsa, meaning ââ¬Å"Ruler of heroesâ⬠. Xerxes was victorious during the initial battles. At the Battle of Thermopylae, a small force of warriors, led by King Leonidas of Sparta, resisted the much larger Persian forces, but were ultimately defeated, after a Greek man called Ephialtes betrayed his country by telling the Persians of another pass around the Hot Gates Mountains to corner them. Thebes A city in Greece, situated to the north of the Cithaeron range, which divides Boeotia from Attica, and on the southern edge of the Boeotian plain. Thebes played an important role in the fabric of Greek myth, being the site of the stories of Cadmus, Oedipus, Dionysus.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Basics of Critique Essay Samples You Can Learn From Starting Right Away
The Basics of Critique Essay Samples You Can Learn From Starting Right Away The One Thing to Do for Critique Essay Samples If after following the steps and taking note of the advice and tricks, you find it difficult to compose a crucial analysis, don't be afraid to ask support from EssayPro. All you have to do is to seek out a reliable writing company and create your order in a couple of minutes. To start with, it's important to read and observe the work carefully. The very first place to search is your university or school site. Writing a critique paper requires a lot of time and energy. Marketing expert is somebody who knows the strategic advertising program and company objectives to shape company's message and branding. Begin with the broad impressions first and then move into the facts of the technical elements. Critique Essay Samples at a Glance The clearest quality that makes you wish to discover more about him, nevertheless, is his mental state. The body of a critique should have an overview of the work being evaluated and an assessment which has a very clear judgment. Many college students appear to believe they're not in danger. After defining the long-term goal, you have to create a map of the challenge and discuss difficulties with the experts. Today you can confidently claim that you understand how to compose a movie critique and even have a complete collection of helpful vocabulary it is possible to include. The essay isn't the simplest task to master. Although your book review essay isn't an overview of what the book is all about, you will want to supply a brief analytical paragraph or two to explain it. Writing an art criticism essay may turn into a tricky undertaking for a number of students. When concluding a self-critique essay, it's vital to be aware that you're briefly summarizing the info on your paper. When the paper is finished, it's important to revise, proofread, select a captivating title, and make suitable citations. Writing an important paper or criticizing might appear easy in the beginning, but it could also be challenging. Thus, look no further than our website whenever you must submit an outstanding, well-structured and thorough paper that will make a stellar grade. A critique essay, which is also referred to as an important essay, is a bit of writing where you're supposed to criticize and evaluate some work. With FreeEssayHelp you'll find hundreds of Critique essay topics in a matter of many seconds. All you need to do is submit a critique my article' request on the site. The crucial essay examples act as templates, standards which can help you know what a fantastic paper appears like. As soon as you properly implement the tips above, you'll never find it tough to compose an article critique paper. A critique is a kind of academic assignments that summarizes and evaluates critically the particular topic. E-mailed submissions won't be accepted. Finally, it's important to be careful of the appropriate structure of the critique essay. In contrast to popular belief by a substantial part of students, critical essay writing isn't about criticizing or focusing on the negative element of analysis. Before you begin to compose a vital essay, it's important to create a fantastic outline. An essential essay is understood to be a kind of academic writing where the writer analyzes, interprets and evaluates a particular text and provides conclusions on how certain ideas are conveyed dependent on textual evidence. By developing one, it can help to go through writing the whole essay. The Debate Over Critique Essay Samples An art critique paper involves an extensive analysis and evaluation of the object of art. Therefore, the primary purpose of a critique essay is to rate the target creation and its effect on the applied area of knowledge. There are an assortment of approaches to structure a critique. It can be defined as an objective type of analysis of a particular piece regardless of its genre. The body of a self-critique essay is important as it seeks to offer your audience with detailed info about yourself. Evaluate whether the author has achieved the purpose of their written work. The above is of fantastic significance, especially to students who think that critical essays should concentrate on the negative facets of a subject. Critical essays are most frequently utilized in writing literature and other forms of media in high schools, colleges and universities.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Contribution of Marketing - 1503 Words
HOW DOES MARKETING CONTRIBUTE TO ECONOMIC EXPANSION? HOW CAN OUR MARKETING SYSTEM BE IMPROVED TO HELP US ACHIEVE STILL HIGHER LEVEL OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN THE FUTURE Marketing is an economic process by which goods and services are exchanged between the producers and consumers and their values is determined in terms of money prices. In other words, marketing is the process by which companies create customer interest in products or services. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business development. It is an integrated process through which companies build strong customer relationships and create value for their customers and for themselves. The American Marketing Associationâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Eg: Hunger food. The American psychologist Abraham Maslow (1954) narrowed them down to five keys needs, arranged as a series of steps, or a hierarchy of needs, from the most fundamental to the most difficult to obtain as shown in the diagram above. According to Abraham Maslow, once we have satisfied one level of needs, we progress to the next. He said ââ¬Ëman is a wanting animal. As one desire is satisfied, another pops up to take its placeââ¬â¢. As it does, we tend to lose interest in the fulfiled need and concentrate our energies on the next level of need. Once our survival needs are met, we tend to take them for granted as we seek to fulfill other needs higher up the ladder. Maslowââ¬â¢s classification of needs has been widely used as a basis for understanding more about human motivation. It contributes to marketing theory by illustrating that relatively few basic needs motivate our acquisition of seemingly countless products and services. We buy products as a means to the end of fulfilling these needs, not as an end in themselves. Although Maslowââ¬â¢s hierarchy represents only a psychological interpretation of our needs, it demonstrates that we can only understand what customers want by looking at what lies behind a purchase decision. Wants: The needs become wants they are directed to specific objects that might satisfy the needs. A want is a choice of how that need is to be fulfilled. Demands:Show MoreRelatedThe Contribution Of Social Marketing926 Words à |à 4 Pagesoutlining the contribution of social marketing to contemporary marketing thinking, I should first define the possibly obscure meaning of the particular type of commerce. 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